Prayer List Scott May – brain tumor has returned Larry Scott (Joyce Owens’ cousin) – triple bypass surgery yesterday Glendon Masters (Joyce Owens’ cousin) – at St. Mary’s after leg amputation Jimmy Epperson (Herb Taylor’s friend) – Multiple Myeloma Larry Bane (Joreen Bane’s son) – exploratory surgery at UAMS tomorrow, possible pancreatic cancer
Announcements Published on 20 Apr 11
Deuteronomy WeekDateTopic 109 Mar 11Chapter 1:1-2:23 – Introduction and Moses’ Address 216 Mar 11Chapter 2:24-4:43 - Conquest, Transition, Covenant 323 Mar 11Chapter 4:44-6:25 – The Law 430 Mar 11Chapter 7:1-11:32 – Application of the Principles 506 Apr 11Chapter 12:1-14:21 – First Three Commandments 613 Apr 11Chapter 14:22-18:22 – 4 th and 5 th Commandments 720 Apr 11Chapter 19:1-23:18 – 6 th and 7 th Commandments 827 Apr 11Chapter 23:19-25:16 – 8 th thru 10 th Commandments 904 May 11Chapter 26:1-27:26 – Covenant law and preparation 1011 May 11Senior Blessing – No classes 1118 May 11Chapter 28:1-68 – Blessings and Curses 1225 May 11Chapter 29:1-30:20 – Moses’ Final Address 1301 Jun 11Chapter 31:1-34:12 – Moses’ Final Actions
References Constable Notes on Deuteronomy – Primary Guzik – Commentary on Deuteronomy Padfield – Farewell Message To A New Generation JFB Bible Commentary ISBE (Encyclopedia)
Key Points for Today’s Lesson Review last week’s class found in Chapter Learn more about the 6 th and 7 th commandments Learn about application of the laws of manslaughter and witnesses Review what the Bible says about war Review laws about unsolved murders Learn about limits placed on a husband and father’s authority Review illustrations of principles concerning adultery
Last Week God commanded the Israelites to tithe God established laws which provided part of the tithe to the poor Moses reviewed the laws of the firstborn as well as various events Israel was to celebrate Learned about laws of justice and laws pertaining to kings, particularly regarding self-dependency Learned about false prophets and how to identify them and what should be done when they are encountered
Pentateuch In Context Man can experience God’s blessing through trust and obedience Genesis – man is a finite creature made in the image of God, fallen in sin, unable on his own to enjoy a relationship that God Exodus – human sin leads to enslavement Leviticus – reveals more fully that man is a sinner and that he is different and separate from God Numbers – shows redeemed sinners enjoying the benefits of atonement but fall away Deuteronomy – God loves us, we should love God
Historical Background Title in Hebrew is ‘elleh haddebarim – meaning “these are the words” English title Deuteronomy means “second law” in Greek – However, it isn’t a second law, it merely restates/explains the law as Moses already given Written around 1406 BC, shortly before Moses dies on the plains of Moab Written by Moses – See 1:5, 9; 5:1; 27:1, 8; 1 Ki 2:3; Matt 19:7-8; Acts 7:37-38; Rom 10:19
Historical Background Continued Contains primarily history and instructions and is similar to Leviticus –Preached, not taught All events take place across the Jordan river from Jericho on the plains of Moab Within a few weeks prior to Israel’s entrance into Canaan
Hebrew Calendar
Geographical Background Israelites traveled from Mt. Sinai to the plains of Moab – East of Jericho and the Jordan River However, not a direct route – Proceeded from Sinai to Kadesh Barnea – On Canaan’s southern border Failed to proceed to the Promised Land from Kadesh Barnea because of unbelief – Wondered 38 more years in the wilderness God finally brings them back to Kadesh, then led them to the Plains of Moab on Canaan’s eastern border Book of Numbers picks up in the final days leading up to Israel’s crossing of the Jordan river as outlined in the book of Joshua
Key Lessons Of Deuteronomy God desires to bless people through a relationship with Him This blessing can be experience through trust and obedience We as the sinner redeemed are servants of God our master God loves people and we should love God God manifested His love for Israel through laws Israel demonstrated love by obeying these laws
God had revealed the law concerning those who kill another person in earlier scriptures –Numbers 35:9-34 –In Israel, this kind of crime were handled domestically rather through courts of law –Instructions are give urging application of law Also explained the need for three more cities of refuge west of the Jordan River. (A third set) –No indication that this set of cities was ever created Manslaughter (19:1-13)
Explanation of the role of witnesses –Common cause of hostility was due to property boundaries and rights (see 1 Ki 21:1-26) –Many ancient nations regarded property markers as sacred, Israel regarded them as God-given –Romans executed those who moved markers False witness (vs ) –Procedure for handling those that gave false testimony –Normally, two witnesses were required –In that case, the were taken to the supreme court –False witnesses were punished Witnesses (19:14-21)
Instructions in Ch 20 advise Israel on taking possession of the Promise Land –Manual of warfare rolled up in one chapter –Attitude and approach to national enemies Israel did not have a standing army –Soldiers volunteered to go into battle as needed –Relevant to the 6 th commandment Key points –Israel was reminded to rely on God regardless of the enemies strength (vs. 1-4) –Offer terms of peace to distant cities (vs 15-16) –Destroy cities in Promised Land (vs ) War(20:1-20)
Prescribes a ritual to remove impurities caused by bloodshed –Cities were responsible for murders in their boundary –A heifer was used to represent the unknown murder –Animal had not done hard labor –Neck broken to symbolize punishment due the murderer –Blood of the heifer would fall on unplowed ground, disappearing rather than turning up at a future date The sacrifice of the heifer removed the impurity –It atoned for the guilt Unsolved Murders (21:1-9)
Limits on a husband’s authority (vs ) –Israelite men could marry women from distant conquered cities taken as prisoners –As long as they did not already have a wife –Received one month to mourn for her parents –Provision for divorce Limits on a father’s authority (vs ) – Fathers to treat their children with consideration – Guarded a son from a erratic father Punishment for incorrigible children (vs ) – Rights of parents with a child who was uncontrollable Wives and Children (21:10-21)
Burial of a hanged person (21:22-23) –Normal method of public execution was stoning –After criminals had died, their executioners hung their bodies up for all to see…as a deterrent to similar crimes –This law required that in such cases, those responsible had to bury the body in the same day Helping neighbors (22:1-4) –Addressed failure to help a neighbor God cared for the least of His creatures (22:6-7) Respect for Life (21:22-22:8)
Mixing things that should not be mixed –No obeying this command resulted in very detrimental short and long-term consequences Illustrations of the principle (22:9-12) –Laws against mixing seed, animals yoked, fibers Marriage relationship (22:13-30) –Seven cases outlined (see follow-on slide) –Stressed the importance of monogamy in a polygamous culture Public worship (23:1-8) –Excepted those that were not pure Adultery (22:9-23:18)
False charge that the wife is not a virgin – husband would fined if proven wrong If the a wife is proven not to be a virgin she would suffer stoning Man committing adultery with a married woman would die along with the woman Man having sexual relations with an engaged girl from a city – both would die If it were outside the city, only the man died Man and a virgin having sexual relations – man had to marry her and could not divorce God forbade incest in Israel Seven Cases of Adultery
Review Reviewed more about the 6th and 7th commandments Learned about application of the laws of manslaughter and witnesses Reviewed what the Bible says about war Reviewed laws about unsolved murders Learned about limits placed on a husband and father’s authority Reviewed illustrations of principles concerning adultery Next week: Chapter 23:19-25:16 – 8th thru 10th Commandments