Science and the Bible A Course of Study by Dr. David C. Bossard Winter, 2008 (Continued) Week 20 The Rocks Cry Out : Geology and the Bible, Part 1
The Rocks Cry Out
Praise the Lord! I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation. 2 Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them. 3 Full of splendor and majesty is his work, and his righteousness endures forever. 4 He has caused his wondrous works to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and merciful. 5 He provides food for those who fear him; he remembers his covenant forever. Psalm 111 Praise for the books of God's Works and of God's Word. 6 He has shown his people the power of his works, in giving them the inheritance of the nations. 7 The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy; 8 they are established forever and ever, to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness. 9 He sent redemption to his people; he has commanded his covenant forever. Holy and awesome is his name! 10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!
The Rocks Cry Out The Beginnings of Modern Geology The discovery of William Smith (1799) - The silent voice of the rocks. Most rock on land is sedimentary rock. It occurs in identifiable layers or "strata" The strata extend over large areas The strata are identified by rock type and fossil species The strata are laid down in a specific order.
The Rocks Cry Out
The Rocks Cry Out Characteristics of the Strata
The Rocks Cry Out Comments by Geologist & Theologians William Buckland (1837). The purpose of his book is to show how the fossil record shows "Proof of Design". He gives numerous examples. - Makes the point that two words used for "create": bara and asah. "[asah] may be employed to express a new arrangement of materials that existed before." "The object of this account was, not to state in what manner, but by whom, the world was made. As the prevailing tendency of men in those early days was to worship the most glorious objects of nature, namely, the sun and moon and stars; it would seem to have been one important point in the Mosaic account of creation, to guard the Isrealites against the Polytheism and idolatry of the nations around them; by announcing that all these magnificent bodies were no Gods, but the works of One Almighty Creator, to whom alone the worship of mankind is due."
The Rocks Cry Out Comments by Geologist & Theologians John Pye Smith (1840) (A Theologian). The purpose of his book is to refute the "vague idea that certain geological doctrines are at variance with the Holy Scriptures." cites Psalm 111:2 (see above) Opinions which are assumed by many to be asserted in Scripturre, but which are contrary to geological doctrines: 1. Recent creation of the world 2. A previous universal chaos over the earth (gap theory) 3. Creation of heavenly bodies after the earth 4. Derivation of all vegetables and animals from one center of creation. 5. That the inferior animals were not subject to death till the Fall of man.
The Rocks Cry Out Comments by Geologist & Theologians John Pye Smith (1840) (A Theologian). The purpose of his book is to refute the "vague idea that certain geological doctrines are at variance with the Holy Scriptures." cites Psalm 111:2 (see above) Features of the geologic record that argue for great age miles' thickness of strata in successive layers. 2. Layers not homogeneous: differing widely, with extinct species. 3. Layers divided into groups, not jumbled confusedly but methodically "like shelves of specimens in a cabinet." 4. Evidence of very long duration; footprints of animals and intact fossils of fragile species.
The Rocks Cry Out Comments by Geologist & Theologians Edward Hitchcock (1841) (A Zoologist and Theologian) Elementary Geology. Describes the characteristics of various geologic ages, "Laws" of fossil remains, and the Connection of Geology and the Bible. All fish below the Triassic age (age of early dinosaurs) have Heterocercal (single extended backbone) tails (like sharks today); after this age they have homocercal (symmetrical) tails (like most modern fish). "Laws" of fossil remains (p9 of outline)
The Rocks Cry Out Comments by Geologist & Theologians Hugh Miller (1857) Testimony of the Rocks. "Plain men who set themselves to deduce from Scripture the figure of the planet" had little doubt that the earth was flat "until corrected by the geographer"; "plain men who set themselves to acquire from Scripture some notion of the planetary motions" thought that the sun moved around an earth at rest "until corrected by the astronomer"; "plain men who have sought to determine from Scripture the age of the earth" were confident that the earth was about six thousand years old "until corrected by the geologist." Cited in Davis A. Young, Calvin College at
The Rocks Cry Out