The Certainty of the Message We Believe Luke 1:4
The Certainty of the Message We Believe Luke, the historian His “life of Christ” Lk 1:1-4 based on eyewitness testimony written after careful investigation written in consecutive order provides the reader with the “undoubted truth”
The Certainty of the Message We Believe Luke, the historian His “rise and spread of Christianity” Acts 1:1-3 supported by the factual basis of Jesus’ resurrection: many convincing (infallible-KJV) proofs empty tomb Lk 24:1-12 appearances: breaking bread, His hands & feet, eating fish Lk 24:13-43 “We cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:20
The Certainty of the Message We Believe Matthew, defender of the faith “that it might be fulfilled”= “He is the One” birth 1:22 man of peace 12:17 fleeing to Egypt 2:15 spoke in parables 13:35 babies killed 2:17 entered on donkey 21:4-5 called Nazarene 2:23 betrayal money buys field 27:9-10 began ministry in Galilee 4:14 cast lots for His garments 27:35 healed sick 8:17
The Certainty of the Message We Believe Peter and John, eyewitnesses Peter: I saw and heard Jesus’ glory; this confirms the prophetic word 2 Pet 1:16-21 John: I saw Jesus die; I witnessed His signs, including the resurrection; My testimony is the basis of your faith, fellowship, and joy Jn 19:31-35; 20:30-31; 1 Jn 1:1-4 God-backed their testimony through miracles Heb 2:3-4; Acts 1:8; for example-3:16
The Certainty of the Message We Believe Paul sums up the certainty of the message 1 Cor 15:1-8 Christ died, was buried, was raised on the 3 rd day according to the Scriptures. Christ appeared alive to a sufficient number of witnesses- most still alive about 20 years later.
The Certainty of the Message We Believe 1 Cor 15:1-2 You Received (at conversion) You Stand in (presently) You Are Saved (presently) If you hold fast the message- unless you believed (were converted) in vain
The Certainty of the Message We Believe Have you received the message? Are you standing in it?