Problem Global Warming
Effects Coastal flooding threatening small islands Food insecurity cause by drought Extinction of some animal species Desertification Climate change
Causes T he major cause of global warming is emission of greenhouse gases like Carbon dioxide, Nitrous oxide, Chlorofluorocarbons, methane, ozone and water vapor. T he largest contributor of the above gases is water vapor. S ince carbon oxide make more water vapor, we can say carbon dioxide is more harmful.
Carbon dioxide Fossil fuels react with oxygen to produce large amounts of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide traps infra red rays(heat) from the earth thereby, preventing it from going to space This acts like a head warmer to earth which makes it warmer.
Solutions T he most common solution given is afforestation, but this is quite slow I think backing afforestation with large scale carbon sequestration.
Carbon sequestration This is the artificial capture of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to a reservoir This is done by reacting carbon dioxide with metallic oxides. For example CaO + CO 2 = CaCO 3 The oxides required for the process are inexpensive. Most of the resulting carbonates can be used for many important purposes. For example CaCO 3 can be used in making drugs(calcium supplements) During the sequestration with oxides like CaO and MgO heat it emitted. This heat can be harnessed and applied towards solving power problems.
Conclusion The solutions to global warming should be: I ntensive afforestation C arbon sequestration