Building Europeana MICHAEL, RIBA, London 23 May 2008
What is Europeana? Quick Background Potted History EDL Foundation EDLnet What has happened What will happen What must happen
A common multilingual access point would make it possible to search Europes distributed – that is to say, held in different places by different organisations – digital cultural heritage online. Such an access point would increase its visibility and underline common features. The access point should build on existing initiatives such as The European Library (TEL), in which Europes libraries already cooperate. It should where possible closely associate private holders of rights in cultural material and all interested stakeholders. A strong commitment by the Member states and cultural institutions to arrive at such an access point should be encouraged. European Union Communiqué August 2006 EU Vision for a European digital library
End 2006 full collaboration among EU national libraries. From 2007 collaboration to be expanded to archives and museums. 2,000,000 books, films, photographs, manuscripts, and other cultural works accessible by 2008 At least 6,000,000 works by 2010 With these goals A portal or Internet site providing access to Europes cultural heritage
EDL Foundation A legal entity to sustain and develop the Europeana and to provide a framework for funding and future governance
European Regional Branch of Intl. Council on Archives – EURBICA Intl Fed. of Television Archives – FIAT European Museums Forum - EMF Association Cinémathèques Européennes – ACE Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche – LIBER Multilingual Inventory of Cultural Heritage in Europe – MICHAEL Koninklijke Bibliotheek – National Library of the Netherlands - KB International Council of Museums Europe – ICOM Europe Consortium of European Research Libraries – CERL Institut National de lAudiovisuel - INA Bundesarchiv Bibliothèque nationale de France International Association of Sound & Audiovisual Archives – IASA Ministries of Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden
Invitation to the Ministries from Horst Forster to support – Europeana: the European digital library
EDLnet – Europeana: the European digital library Thematic Network Partner Group across Museums, Archives, Audio- Visual Archives & Libraries started July 07 Bringing together cultural institutions across Europe Creatng a user defined prototype by November 08 Making recommendations for a sustainable service
Process Archives Austrian State Archives European Archive European Branch of ICA Direcção-Geral de Arquivos Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg National Archives of Finland Federal Archives of Germany National Archives of Sweden National Archives of the Netherlands National Archive of France International Institute for Social History Audio-visual collections International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives Association des Cinémathèques Européennes International Federation of Television Archives European Broadcasting Union Institut national de l'audiovisuel Cross-domain associations MICHAEL AISBL Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, UK Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg ABM-utvikling, Norway RUNAS, the Danish Archives, Libraries and Museums Arbeitsgruppe europäischen Angelegenheiten Bibliotheken,Archive Museen ABM-Centrum, Sweden Institute for Cultural Memory, Romania Heritage Malta Istituto per i beni artistici, culturali e naturali – Regione Emilia-Romagna Erfgoed Nederland Libraries Danish State Library Aarhus Catholic University of Leuven European Bureau of Library, Information & Documentation Associations Ligues des bibliothèques européenes de recherches Consortium of European Research Libraries State and University Library Göttingen Conference of European National Librarians Cervantes Library Biblioteca de Catalunya National Authorities on Public Libraries in Europe Museums Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza Rijksmuseum Institute for Museum Research, Berlin International Council of Museums Europe Natural History Museum Network of European Museum Organisations European Museums Forum Museum of London Group Science Museum Project Contributors Bernstein CITER DELOS DIGMAP DISMARC DRIVER EPsIplus Video Active MultiMatch Cross Czech a.s. TrebleCLEF Knowledge Management in Museums Project Research institutions Arts and Humanities Data Service Digitaal Erfgoed Nederland Digital Lifecycle Management Forum Ethnological Museum, Berlin, Music Archive European Commission on Preservation & Access German Social Science Infrastructure Sciences Heriot-Watt University Institute of Communication and Computer Systems - National Technical University of Athens Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Kennisland / Knowledgeland TOPP Consulting GmbH Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam National representatives Austria, National Library Belgium, Royal Library Bulgaria, New Bulgarian University Library Cyprus, Ministry of Education and Culture Czech Republic, National Library Denmark, Royal Library Estonia, National Library Finland, National Library France, National Library Germany, National Library Greece, Veria Central Public Library Hungary, National Library Iceland, National and University Library Ireland, University College Cork Latvia, National Library Liechtenstein, National Library Lithuania, Vilnius University Luxembourg, National Library Norway, National Library Poland, National Library Portugal, National Library Slovakia, National Library Slovenia, National Library Spain, National Library Sweden, National Library United Kingdom, British Libraryall domains Brings together the digitised & digital items from Museums, Archives, Audio Visual Collections & Libraries across Europe Solves the issues of interoperability in data Works on usability – finding paths, presenting items, appealing Finds sustainable governance & organisational models Builds on previous initiatives / BRICKS, ANNOculture, Qviz, Michael 3 major Workpackages Network of nearly 100 cultural institutions
What has happened since July 2007 Requirements gathered from all 4 domains Pulled together in the Maquette
What has happened since July 2007 Requirements gathered from all 4 domains Pulled together in the Maquette Professional & end user feedback
What has happened Requirements gathered from all 4 domains Pulled together in the Maquette Professional & end user feedback Functional specification and new object model Collection of your data - in progress Build of Prototype1 – due June 08 – First Concept of the Business Model
What will happen Users expect the Interoperable Europeana -EDLnet Conference June 23 and 24 Launch in November 2008 a fully working prototype representing the material of the 4 domains in sufficient quantities to work. More network partners particularly from museums, film and sound Validate the concept for the Business Model Create a roadmap Secure funding to match next projects 4 new projects starting now
New Projects – adding content to Europeana 1.Athena – Museums 2.EFG – Film Gateway – starts June 08 3.EPA - Archives 4.EDLocal – small, medium regional archives, libraries and museums starts June 08 Matched by funding from: OCW, Dutch Education, Culture & Science Ministry
What must happen New Project Proposals accepted Sustainable Long Term Funding found and made part of Council Recommendations French Presidency and use of MSEG
New Project Proposals Europeana v1.0 – operational service EuropeanaConnect – best practice network EuropeanaTravel – libraries digitisation targeted project EuropeanaFilm Diamond BHLEurope EUScreen ROSE Matched by funding from ? Need about 1 million euros for next 3 years.
Sustainability Costs –minimum 6-8 million per year to run operational service –Does not include digitisation –Does not include R&D Revenue streams: –Advertising –Sponsorship –Subscriptions –Brokerage fees –Affiliate fees Structural Funding –Agency such as CERN, ESA
The Roadmap June eContentPlus Proposals: Europeana v1.0, Europeana BPN & Europeana Targeted Projects x3 -Europeana Plenary Conference, KB, 23/24 th -Start of EDLocal and EFG Sept 08 – Secure next round of matching funds - complete Business model for Europeana - complete Road Map for Europeana -start EPA, Athena, ROSE, Nov 08 - Launch of Europeana prototype by Vivien Reding - Recommendations for next steps – the Road Map -Conference in Brussels on 21 November Jan 09 – start Europeana v1.0 and EuropeanaConnect Dec 09 – longer term funding structure in place ?Agency? June Launch of Europeana v1.0 – the operational service
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