BankingBanking Education “Banking Education”
Two Kinds of Education Listen Lecture Facilitate thinking, speaking and acting (mobilize individual resources) Liberation Social Change Domestication Status Quo BCottrell Nobody Knows Everything Everybody Knows Something Teacher Knows All Student Knows Nothing
Paulo Freire ( )
Paulo Freire: The Man Brazilian adult educator Literacy campaign 1964=Exiled to Chile 1972=Fled Chile when Allende fell Harvard, World Council of Churches 1979=Return to Brazil as Minister of Education 1997=Deceased
Paulo Freire: 5 Aspects Paulo Freire: 5 Aspects Dialogue Praxis Conscientization The Lived Experience Christian metaphors
PRAXIS Ongoing interaction between reflection and action to promote individual and social change
Generative Themes Issues around which people have strong feelings that move them through apathy to action
CODES Familiar issues portrayed to people in concrete forms that present a problem but do not give an answer
CODES Stories Pictures Skits Poems Songs Quotes Proverbs Data
INFORMATION REFLECTION INTERPRETATION DECISION SensesData FeelingsExperience MeaningInsights ActionsStrategies The Dialogue Process
The Freirian Process Listen for strong feelings Portray situation causing strong feelings in stories or pictures Facilitate Input Assessment Reflection Decision Action