From the Lips to the Foundation Proverbs From the Lips to the Foundation Proverbs 10:18-32
Review We should diligently desire to follow God’s Wisdom But we are not forced to follow We can choose to follow Wisdom or Foolishness Each choice has consequences for our lives We can tell which path someone has chosen by whether or not they keep the Lord’s commands (Prov 10:17) Another way to tell what someone has founded his life on is to listen to what comes from his lips
From lips to foundation Prov 10:18 Hatred can be something hard to spot when hidden deep in the heart But listen for someone telling lies, and ask yourself who the liar hates If he had no hatred for his listener, then why not tell the truth? (Eph 4:25) Slander (defamation, evil report, unfavorable saying) is a sure indication someone is not following Wisdom Why? Eph 4:29-32
From lips to foundation Prov 10:19-21 Either saying if you speak a lot, you’ll eventually say something wrong One following wisdom would know not to speak too much Or saying that someone who feels a necessity to over-explain probably knows they did something wrong One following wisdom can stand by his actions When the righteous (wise) does speak it is to benefit others (teaching, encouraging) But the wicked (fool) has nothing to offer and refuses to receive wisdom
Riches from God Prov 10:22 Some say this means, if the Lord is with you, you’ll have lots of money Or if you have riches, then the Lord blessed you Actually it says neither, it says . . . One can be rich with the blessings of the Lord Not rich with money If you have the Lord’s blessing, you are rich, but not necessarily with material goods (Eph 1:3-12) His riches do not bring sorrow with it Unlike material wealth In the context he is comparing the worthless foundation of the fool, to the riches of the wise
From foundation to action Prov 10:23-25 A foolish heart will produce evil actions Mk 7:21-23 Eventually those will receive what they deserve When judgment is complete, they will have nothing left to show for their life In contrast, a man whose heart is founded on wisdom will act accordingly He will have what he wants Not earthly goods, because that is what a fool wants, not what the wise wants What the wise wants is to please God, and his reward is based on that eternal foundation Matt 7:24-27
The lazy man Prov 10:26 Many just think this is a random inserted proverb with no connection to its context Yet, he has spoken of the lazy man before (Prov 6:1-11) as an example of dangerous behaviors that can destroy one without wisdom Lazy people are irritating to people who expect them to do something How does it fit in the context? Perhaps best to tie it together with the following verses
From foundation to destination Prov 10:26-30 The wise (righteous) live longer lives and lives filled with hope and gladness They are strengthened by God They will always (eternally) be able to dwell with God By contrast the fool (lazy, wicked) live shorter lives filled with irritating behavior and no hope In the end their own sin will bring about their destruction They will have no lasting place to live, instead a place of eternal destruction Matt 25:31-46
From foundation to lips Prov 10:31-32 Making a full-circle from where he began You know the foundation by what comes out the mouth If the foundation is wisdom, then he will teach that wisdom and speak things that are acceptable to God If the foundation is foolishness, he will speak perverse things (things not acceptable to God) In the end, God will silence such speech
Conclusion Matt 7:16-19 Jesus taught the same wisdom, you will know them by their fruits Wisdom and Foolishness cannot be hidden Your choice will be known by all Just remember your choice carries with it a destination Be sure you know where you’re headed and be sure that is where you want to spend eternity