1 REVEALed: the truth behind the National Database of Resources in Accessible Formats Ann Chapman Margaret Sheridan UKOLN Reveal Project Manager University.


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Presentation transcript:

1 REVEALed: the truth behind the National Database of Resources in Accessible Formats Ann Chapman Margaret Sheridan UKOLN Reveal Project Manager University of Bath UKOLN is funded by Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the Higher Education Funding Councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC and the European Union. UKOLN also receives support from the University of Bath where it is based.

2 Session C Where are we now? and Collection Register for Reveal

3 Where are we now? Project Manager Union database Retrospective conversion Collection register

4 The Union database Choice of LMS DCMS tendering process Likely timescale Bibliographic standard

5 Retrospective conversion 86,000 records on NUCAF c. 80,000 missing Retrospective cataloguing Pilot, phase 1 and phase 2 Alice system and Reveal bibliographic standard

6 Collections Register Database software in place Data being collecting from organisations Data entry Launching the register

7 Where can I find? Locating: all sources of accessible materials resources on specific subjects resources in specific formats contact details user charges and eligibility criteria

8 The solution A collections register Collection records Sub and Super collection records Catalogue available records Extension of RSLP schema

9 Collection Register A web based resource Accessible directly by visually impaired Provision for organisations to update their own entries Search options

10 Collection data Title, description, stock levels Language, audience, format Catalogues available Subject and strength User charges and eligibility criteria

11 Agent data Collection owner details Customer service details Reveal housekeeping data Partner number Adding records to Reveal Notifies Intention to Transcribe Permission to transcribe process

12 Catalogues available All or part of collection? For which format(s)? Available in which format? Charges and availability

13 Sub & Super Collections RNIB Braille Library, Talking Books, Cassette Library NLB Braille, Moon, music scores, large print Unseen History, Learners Library

14 Subject and Strength Subject Dewey - BIC - subject terms Strength - Conspectus Subject + level + acquisition policy Basic queries - graduate level - research - national collections

15 Searching By keyword By audience By language By format The demonstration