Chapter 9 Work Place Ethics Are you an ethical individual and worker? Or do just claim it????
Ethics, are the principles of conduct that govern a group or society Are you honest? Do you or will you report misconduct or theft? Most say they are ethical and honest, however statistics do not always show that? however statistics do not always show that? Did you know that most companies lose MORE money from employee theft versus shop lifters!!!
Most Commonly Observed Unethical Behavior on the Job…. 1.Theft 2.Lying 3.Withholding needed information 4.Abusive or Intimidating Behavior 5.Misreporting actual time of hours worked 6.Discrimination
Words to know Cooperativeness Ethics Initiative Confidentiality Prejudice Responsibility Self-Management Dishonesty
Words you SHOULD know…. Honesty=A company’s reputation (good feeling in the community or work world) can be ruined by one bad employee! Values=Decisions based on or guided by right and wrong. Employee Theft= is a example of UNETHICAL behavior and associating yourself with it can cost you your job.
Words you should know Continued…. Initiative=Solving problems on your own. OR seeing something needs to be done, AND DOING IT!!! Confidentiality=Ideas and issues told to you in SECRET>Sharing secrets and ideas about your company with competitors OR discussing personal issues with others that was disclosed to you by a friend or fellow worker in confidence. Can be disloyal, illegal and unethical. Unethical Behavior. Includes but limited to gossiping, theft and sexual harassment.
What type of Employees do Companies want??? ETHICAL Honest Loyal Show initiative Fit well into the organization (TEAM PLAYER) Multi-Task individuals People willing to grow with the company and except new ideas. People that listen BEFORE speaking. WILLINGNESS TO WORK!!!!!!!
If you feel that someone wants to be a part of an illegal act or unethical behavior…. First, consider your options carefully. (Can it be cleared up with an open and honest discussion) If the situation continues don’t involve yourself, in any way!!!! Report it to management. (Especially if you know about it and can be held responsible or liable, if the information is not disclosed) Keep a written record of unethical or illegal observations. Report only facts and true observations. Seek advise from people you trust and check your motives as your actions may backfire.
Chap 9 in Review 1. What qualities do employers seek in employees? How will employees with these qualities enable companies to do less “managing”? 2. How is “Self managing” good for you and your employer? 3. Imagine you’ve observed an unethical behavior at work (i.e. theft); how could this affect you? 4. Of the different ethical behaviors, which do you think will be your biggest challenge?