Flexibility Testing
Flexibility Functional ROM about a joint Joint specific Functional ROM –Ability to move a joint w/o pain or limitation
Flexibility Depends on Distension of the joint capsule Adequate warm-up Muscle viscosity Compliance of other tissues – muscles, ligaments
Flexibility (ROM) Assessment Purpose Joint specific Assess current status Describe Δ in status Establish goals Motivation
Mvt in Major Joints Terminology Flexion –Anterior mvt for head, trunk, upper extremity, hip –Posterior mvt for knee, ankle, toes Extension –Direction opposite of flexion Hyperextension –Excessive extension
Mvt in Major Joints Terminology Abduction –Mvt away from the midline of the body Adduction –Mvt toward midline of the body –For fingers & toes, use midline of hand & foot
Mvt in Major Joints Terminology Scapular elevation –Shrugging (upward mvt) Scapular depression –Caudal or downward mvt Scapular protraction –Slumped forward Scapular retraction –Erect position
Mvt in Major Joints Terminology Anterior pelvic tilt –Lumbar lordosis Posterior pelvic tilt –Occurs with bilateral hip flexion & flattening of lumbar lordosis
Measuring Joint-Specific Flexibility Laboratory Methods Goniometry Visual estimation Radiography Photography Linear measurements Trigonometry Field Methods Trunk flexion (sit-&-reach) Trunk extension
Trunk Flexion (Sit-&-Reach) Poor lower back & hip (posterior leg muscle) flexibility associated w/ Lower back pain Loss of ADL’s
Trunk Flexion (Sit-&-Reach) Test Procedures Pretest: perform a short warm-up refrain from fast, jerky mvts shoes should be removed
Trunk Flexion (Sit-&-Reach) Procedures YMCA sit-&-reach test (Table 4-16) yardstick is placed on the floor tape is placed across it at a right angle to the 15-inch mark participant sits w/ yardstick b/n the legs Heels of the feet touch the edge of the taped line about 10 to 12 inches apart If sit-&-reach box, heels should be placed against the edge of the box.
Trunk Flexion (Sit-&-Reach) Procedures slowly reach forward w/ both hands as far as possible - hold this position momentarily Keeps hands parallel - do not lead w/ one hand Fingertips can be overlapped - should be in contact with yardstick or measuring portion of the sit-&-reach box
Trunk Flexion (Sit-&-Reach) Procedures Score - most distant point (in inches or centimeters) reached w/ the fingertips best of three trials Assist - exhale & drop the head b/n the arms when reaching ensure that the knees stay extended breathe normally during test
Trunk Flexion (Sit-&-Reach) Procedures Sit-&-reach box (Table 4-15) sits w/ the legs fully extended soles of the feet against the box norms use a sit-&-reach box in which the “zero” point is set at the 26 cm