Institute of Heavy Ion Physics Kexin Liu November 5, 2008
Institute of Heavy Ion Physics General introduction IHIP was Founded in 1984 45 permanent staff, 25 scientists and 20 technicians, about 60 graduate students Honorable Director: Prof. Chen Jiaer, Accelerator Physicist Former President of Peking University Former President of NSFC Main Research Direction: Accelerator Physics and Technology Nuclear Technology Based on Accelerators Neutron Physics Medical Physics Part of State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics & Technology
Institute of Heavy Ion Physics Accelerator Technology Superconducting Accelerator (SRF) SRF will play an very important role in future accelerators and light sources IHIP has developed SRF technology since 1988 Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) RFQ is very useful to accelerate heavy ions at low energy with high beam current. RFQ has also developed at IHIP since 1990s. Neutron radiography technique based on high current beam RFQ is developing
Institute of Heavy Ion Physics Accelerator Technology 1 MeV Heavy Ion RFQ Separate Function RFQ (SFRFQ)—a new structure designed by IHIP
Institute of Heavy Ion Physics Accelerator Technology X-RAY NEUTRON
Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) at IHIP DC-SC Photoinjector Cu-Nb Sputtering QWR TESLA type superconducting cavity SRF Accelerator based FEL
DC-SC Photoinjector Beam loading Test at 4.2K (Aug. 2004)
Cu-Nb Sputtering QWR Beam Loading Test in 2001 Energy gain: 500 keV Eacc ~3MV/m
Institute of Heavy Ion Physics Main Operating Facilities EN-18 2 6MeV Tandem 14 C compact AMS Home-made 4.5MeV Van de Graaff
Institute of Heavy Ion Physics Nuclear Technology Research in Nuclear Technology include: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) is mainly applied in Archeology, Earth science, Environmental science and Biomedical science. Interaction between intense pulsed beams or clustered ion beams and materials Basic physics problems in irradiation on biomaterials such as cells and biomolecules Forming of nanopore, nanogrian and other nanostructures by ion beam irradiation.
Institute of Heavy Ion Physics Nuclear Technology The age of Oracle bone was determined by AMS at IHIP for Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology project.
Institute of Heavy Ion Physics Nuclear Technology Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 , , 2007
Institute of Heavy Ion Physics Medical Physics Medical Physics research was started in early 1990s as the application of nuclear technologies in Medicine, mainly working on the tumor diagnosis and treatment physics
Institute of Heavy Ion Physics Medical Physics Data Analysis of fMRI Getting maps of excited brain area superpositioned in high resolution morphological brain images
SRF Accelerator based FEL Planned PKU-ERL-FEL Laboratory
Thank you!