Walt Disney’s Magic
When was Walt Disney born? He was born on December 5, 1901.
Where was he born? He was born in Chicago.
What was Walt Disney crazy about when he was young? He was crazy about drawing.
Who did he often sell his drawings to? He would often sell his drawings to neighbors.
Why did he often sell his drawings to neighbors? He often sold his drawings to neighbors to make some money.
Where did he start a real business? He started a real business in California.
How did he start his business in California? He put his drawings into movies.
What did Disney also adapt into movies? He also adapted fairy tales into movies.
Have you ever seen any Disney movies?
Which Disney movie is your favorite?
Can you name some famous cartoon character? Yes. I know some famous cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Winnie the Pooh, … and so on.
What was Disney ’ s dream? His dream was to build a clean and beautiful amusement park with themes and cartoon characters in his movies.
When did the first Disneyland open? It opened in 1955.
Did Walt Disney ’ s first theme park turn out to be successful? Yes, it turned out to be a great success.
What is your dream?
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