All About Disney By: Erika George, Rhiannon Stokes, Kayla Machamer, Itzel Porras, Sam Morris
Overall vision/ intro Our overall vision was to make our Disney idea a fun time for parents and children. This is an easy way to feel like you are in Disney World. We wanted to bring magic to Bentonville for the people to enjoy with our Disney Dancing and other events. Our overall vision was to make our Disney idea a fun time for parents and children. This is an easy way to feel like you are in Disney World. We wanted to bring magic to Bentonville for the people to enjoy with our Disney Dancing and other events.
Resources Our resources consist of streamers, face paint, an inflatable castle, volunteers, and costumes. We also need Our fun activities which are Disney dancing, Movie act, face painting, and Meet the characters. Our resources consist of streamers, face paint, an inflatable castle, volunteers, and costumes. We also need Our fun activities which are Disney dancing, Movie act, face painting, and Meet the characters.
Our Idea Our idea was to bring magic and cheer to Bentonville. We thought that people would like to have this here so that people can create more joyful memories to share.
Disney benefits this can help children understand what disney would be like this will bring memories to people who have already been to disney. Affordable for all family fun activities this can help children understand what disney would be like this will bring memories to people who have already been to disney. Affordable for all family fun activities
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