Identity and belonging Year 12 English
First name: Jamie Middle name: My parents didn’t like me enough to put in the effort to give me one Last name: Glavan Nationality: Croatian Nicknames: Glavs, Glavanator (Cause you know, I’m a transformer) Date of birth: 29 th August, 1996 Age: ^^ work it out. But I act like a young child at times Favourite colour: Blue Lucky number: 13 Job: Unfortunately yes. The burgers are better at ______ ____’_. Pets (Past and present): Past – 5 fish, 2 birds, 2 rabbits, 2 ducks. Present – 1 dog School subjects: Asian 5, minus Physics, add study hall. A s i a n 5 T h e s u b j e c t s t a k e n i n y o u r V C E y e a r s i n V i c t o r i a - S p e c i a l i s t M a t h s, M a t h s M e t h o d s, P h y s i c s, C h e m i s t r y, E n g l i s h a n d f a s t - t r a c k B i o l o g y i n y e a r 1 1.
We’re a bunch of loud and annoying wogs. One mother, one father, one sister, grandparents, three uncles, two aunties (one married in), one first cousin and god knows how many other cousins and family members (Catholics) Mummy (Rosemary) and Daddy (Robert) Sister (Jessica) My doggy (Kiki)
Many of these people have annoyed me in many ways over the years but I honestly believe they have helped make me who I am today. I used to be all shy and care about what other people thought about me, but now I’ve learnt that I honestly couldn’t care less and I can just be myself around them. They have made my life very interesting...
- I am currently in my 6 th year of playing soccer and get fairly aggressive (still play by the book) and competitive when playing. am more excited about the World Cup than I am for my 18 th birthday this year. - Soccer and music help me escape from the world ~ - Nerd coming out – I loved Biology. I still do - I love animals, except birds. - My love for movies ranges from girly chick flick to action packed manly movies to gruesome horrors. But I really love movies like; the Fast and the Furious movies, transformers, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Dark Knight, etc. - I love to travel and my list of places to see is endless. love Eminem. His concert was the best night of my life. - My only real talent is being really good when it comes to memorising song lyrics. I am here somewhere
- I have a fear of birds. I can not stand anywhere near a bird without freaking out. They are like flying death seekers. It’s like they were created to ruin people’s lives. - My hate for AFL is probably equal to my hate for birds. - I dislike being girly. I don’t like pink and I’d pretty much rather do anything else over shopping or wearing makeup. I’m the son my father never had. have a high dislike towards fake people. I feel like if you have to be fake around your friends, then you should probably find some new ones. am not creative at all. hate people who think and act like they’re better than everyone else. Because they usually aren’t. - English
-I-I believe that for a 17 year old I have an unhealthy obsession for Disney movies. -I-I prefer it when questions have a single numerical or scientific answer, which explains my dislike towards English and it’s many answers. -I-I can be a very negative person at times. But I can also be very positive. You never know what you’re going to get. -I-I love people with a stupid sense of humour and who aren’t afraid to say what they really think. -I-I have no idea what I want to do when school finishes and that makes me nervous. -I-I’m not a very interesting person. I haven’t done much with my 17 years of life, but I’m fine with that. It leaves more room for sleep
-I-I don’t believe in luck and believe that everything that happens to a person is a result of their own actions. -‘-‘Treat people the way you want to be treated’. -I-I think that many people need to stop caring about what others think, stand up for themselves and be who they want to be. -I-In order to trust someone else I believe you have to be able to trust yourself first.
That’s me for ya