MARC 21 Update UK Cataloguing & Indexing Standards Forum 13 September 2006 Corine Deliot Metadata Development Officer Collection Acquisition & Description
2 MARBI 2006 Machine Readable Bibliographic Information committee 20 th -25 th January 2006 ALA (Midwinter), San Antonio, Texas. 22 nd -28 th June 2006 ALA (Annual), New Orleans, Louisiana. BIC BSG Meetings 12 th January & 6 th June
3 Unicode MARC 21 character sets: MARC-8 (17,000 characters) Unicode (236,029; 50,635 in Basic Multilingual Plane) How to handle the transition to Unicode? Assessment of options for handling full Unicode character encodings in MARC 21: a study for the Library of Congress (part 1 and 2) Unicode-MARC discussion list
4 Unicode Proposal Technique for conversion of Unicode to MARC-8 1. Drop the record 2. Drop the character 3. Use placeholder character 4. Substitute a Numeric Character Reference (NCR) &#xXXXX; where XXXX is the Unicode character code point in hexadecimal. Use placeholder character: vertical bar (ASCII hex 7C) Proposal Lossless Technique for Conversion of Unicode to MARC-8
5 Proposals Changes to accommodate IAML form/genre codes in field 047 in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format (as amended) Adding subfields for relator terms to X11 fields in the Bibliographic and Authority formats Standardized terminology for access restrictions in field 506 of the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format (as amended)
6 Proposals Changes to Holdings data fields to accommodate ONIX for Serials in the MARC 21 Holdings Format (approved in part) Definition of Field 034 for Geographic Coordinates in the MARC 21 Authority Format (as amended) Definition of subfield $u (URI) in Field 852 (Location) in the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Holdings Formats Addition of subfield $r in field 865 to accommodate date of issuance for indexes (as amended)
7 Discussion papers DP02 Addition of coded value to 008 for content alerts in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format 2006-DP03/DP08 Techniques for incorporation of Former Headings into MARC 21 Authority Records 2006-DP04 Data elements needed to ascertain copyright facts
8 Discussion papers DP06 Defining separate subfields for language codes of Summaries/Abstracts and Subtitles/Captions in field DP07 Recording set information for multipart cartographic materials
9 And finally … Next MARBI meeting at Midwinter 2007 will include: - RDA discussion papers - Papers to support the harmonisation process between MAB and MARC 21 National Library of Croatia is adopting MARC 21