ELKS Freshman Football
Parent/Player Meeting Freshman Coaches: Tobby Stroud : Freshman Head Coach, - LB’s, RB’s Josh Krois: Offensive Line, Defensive Line Alex Sears: DB’s, RB’s Brian Plautz: Offensive Line, Defensive Line
Elk River Freshman Football Follow Elks Football on Social Media: Website – Facebook – Twitter – Text Messaging Service Remind - Text following code to or (763)
Elks Freshman Football 2015 The fun begins Monday – August 10 th ! Freshman Practice Schedule Monday, August 10, - 8:00-8:45 am – Walk Thru/Chalk Talk, 9:00-11:00 am – Practice, 11:30 - Get Game Uniforms after Practice Tuesday August 11 th - 9:00-9:45 am – Walk Thru/Chalk Talk, 10:00 am-Noon – Practice, 12:30 – Team Picture Day Wednesday, August 12th - 8:00-8:45 am – Walk Thru/Chalk Talk, 9:00-11:00 am Thursday, August 13 th - 11:00-11:45 am – Walk Thru/Chalk Talk, Noon-2:00 pm – Practice, 3:00-8:00 pm – Gold Card Blitz Day Friday, August 14th, - 8:00-8:45 am – Walk Thru/Chalk Talk, 9:00-11:00 am Monday, August 17, - 8:00-8:45 am – Walk Thru/Chalk Talk, 9:00-11:00 am – Practice Tuesday August 18 th - 8:00-8:45 am – Walk Thru/Chalk Talk, 9:00-11:00 am – Practice Wednesday, August 19 th - 8:00-8:45 am – Walk Thru/Chalk Talk, 9:00-11:00 am – Practice Thursday, August 20 th - 8:00-8:45 am – Walk Thru/Chalk Talk, 9:00-11:00 am – Practice Friday, August 21th, - 8:00-8:45 am – Walk Thru/Chalk Talk, 9:00-11:00 am – Practice Find the schedules on our website:
Freshman Expectations We have high expectations as a coaching staff. We expect all players to be at all practices. Family matters that conflict with practice need to be communicated w/Coach Stroud. Missing practice will result in players missing necessary skills and knowledge of plays. Absences from practice may result in the players ability to start and/or a loss of playing time. If players are present in school, but absent from practice, a parent will need to call or coach Tobby Stroud.
Freshman Expectations We expect players to be on time and in the uniform of the day. (Full Pads/Shorts and Shells/Athletic Shoes, etc.) Tardiness and absences will result in appropriate opportunities. Coaches will have respect for players. Players need to respect the coaches, student managers, other players, and the ERHS staff.
Freshman Expectations We expect you to know the players handbook and our playbooks. We expect you to act appropriately at all times: at practice, on the bus, in school, in public, and at home. We expect you to work as hard in school as you will on the field. Academics are very important to the Elks football program. You will be expected to have a passing grade in all your classes.
Freshman A and B Teams: Players will make the A or B squad based on their playing ability, knowledge of their position, and effort: both in school and on the practice field. All players will play in either the A or B game each week, and players may move levels from week to week.
What’s in the Lockers? All players must use school equipment. No equipment from home except: shoes, approved arm pads, and under-clothing. Players should have in their lockers: *Extra socks *Deodorant, shampoo and soap *Towel *Playbook and pencil *NO money or valuables *Football Practice/Game Clothing and equipment Clothing and equipment will be hung in lockers in order to dry properly. Clothing needs to be taken home and washed in a timely manner.
Pre-Season Schedule Practice begins August 10 th !!! – Practice will be up by the Freshman game field – north of varsity field 1. August 10-20th on previous slide. Be on time! Eat a healthy breakfast so you have fuel for practice. 2. Gold Card sales start tonight!!!! Last Fundraiser. Money and extra cards need to be in by the 13 th (blitz day). SCHEDULE CHANGE – 11:00 – 2:00. Gold Card Meeting at 3:00 pm, sale until 8:00 pm 3. Pictures will be August 11th at 12:30. Please bring your picture money to practice in the morning on that Day. Uniforms handed out on August 10 th after practice. 4. No scrimmage this year. As of now the first Freshman game will be on Thursday, August 27 th.
Parent Volunteers Become member of Booster Club – Elks QB Club (sign up online at our website, also sign up on DIBS for volunteer opportunities) – Each family needs to complete 3 volunteer events Concession Stand for Home Varsity Games Chain Gang for all Freshman Home Games After Game Meals: Provided for all away games (both A and B). The QB club provides some funds but typically not enough for everything. What is needed each week if you are willing and able to purchase items: Gatorade Chips Cookies
Elk River Freshman Football We, the Freshman Coaching staff are committed to do our best to prepare our players for not only football... but, also for life. Any questions, please contact: Tobby Stroud Cell phone: , School: X