Politics and the Media
Raise your hand if you get your news from the following places at least once a week … NewspapersRadio Network news (ABC, CBS, NBC) Cable News (CNN, FOX, MSNBC) Internet News Political Satire (The Daily show, Colbert Report, SNL)
Mass Media in the US. Newspapers earliest form of media. They were SLOW! They were SLOW!
Mass Media in the US Technology made daily papers available Media Corporations began to consolidate power Struggle between two roles of Journalism Struggle between two roles of Journalism Truth Reporting Media Business Yellow Journalism – Sensational style of reporting characterized newspapers at the turn of the century. Used to sway political opinion and sell newspapers. Yellow Journalism – Sensational style of reporting characterized newspapers at the turn of the century. Used to sway political opinion and sell newspapers.
Media History (Cont) Telegraph brought about advent of the “Wire Service” Companies hired to reporters to cover stories that were sold to local papers. AP, Reuters, UPI, Bloomberg AP, Reuters, UPI, Bloomberg
Media History (Cont) The Emergence of Radio and Television Politicians’ appearances and mannerisms more important like events such as the Kennedy-Nixon presidential debates. Politicians’ appearances and mannerisms more important like events such as the Kennedy-Nixon presidential debates. Early networks had monopoly on coverage and had strict rules on fairness and Equal Time.
Kennedy /Nixon 1960
Media History 3 Networks – Narrow sources of News 3 Networks – Narrow sources of News Brought government and politics into peoples’ homes with events like the Vietnam War. Brought government and politics into peoples’ homes with events like the Vietnam War. Introduction of Cable News and 24 hour cycle
CNN First Broadcast 1980
Media History (Cont) Cable News- Dilution of viewership allowed for “Niche Journalism” or … Narrowcasting - Media program on cable TV or Internet that is focused on one topic and aimed at a particular audience. 24 hour news cycle has led to a desire for more content … What is news? News companies need to have viewers to make money. Tabloid culture driven by ratings.
Ownership of the Media The media are profit-driven businesses. News outlets are expected to make a profit, just like other corporate divisions. News outlets are expected to make a profit, just like other corporate divisions. Advertising revenues depend on drawing a large audience. Advertising revenues depend on drawing a large audience.
Ownership of the Media All of these channels are owned by one company. Logos depicted are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Ownership of the Media All of these channels and papers are owned by one company. Logos depicted are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Media History (Cont) 1960’s and Watergate Scandal led to a distrust of the government. Media saw it’s role as investigator increase. Internet led to more diffusion of news sources. Internet is purposive – People choose what to learn about. Internet is purposive – People choose what to learn about. Blogs are becoming a populist media
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Sound Bites Short video clips, not long segments. Keeps news programs fast-paced and interesting. Keeps news programs fast-paced and interesting.
Debates : Political Minefields
Politicians and the media Media Events/ Photo Ops (Opportunity) Scheduled events that put candidate or politician in a favorable position. Scheduled events that put candidate or politician in a favorable position. Image is carefully managed and maintained.
Media’s Role in Democracy Informer- Provide public with current and accurate information of what is going on. Watch Dog- A free media is essential to a democracy because it checks the power of Govt. with information. A Voice- Media allows a conduit for the voice of the people as well as the government.
President’s Press Secretary White house has dedicated media dept. led by Press Sec. Acts as voice of Administration Political position
Media Bias (Some Examples) Card-stackingOmission Medium bias Fairness Bias Expediency Bias Narrative Bias Commercial Bias
Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. Thomas Jefferson
“I Have a Scream”: Howard Dean and the Media Case Study: Special Topic Lecture Chapter 7: The Mass Media and the Political Agenda Edwards, Wattenberg, and Lineberry Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy Fourteenth Edition
Dean’s Scream After the Iowa Caucus in 2004, Dean makes his “I Have a Scream” speech. Dean’s campaign collapsed after extensive (633 national airings in four days) media coverage of the scream. The problem: what brought about the media’s feeding frenzy?
Dean Scream Dean Scream
Reporters and Bias Liberal Media? Most journalists want to be first and foremost good journalists. Most journalists want to be first and foremost good journalists. Professional ethics: good journalism must “tell both sides” and be free of opinion. Role of journalism is to inform the public. Dean was the most liberal mainstream candidate. Why would the “liberal” media attack a liberal candidate? Why would the “liberal” media attack a liberal candidate?
Reporters and Bias What does being a journalist means to journalists?
Horse Race Coverage Focus on strategy and competition, not issues. Exciting to political junkies who watch the news. Exciting to political junkies who watch the news. See figure 9.1 in the Brief Edition.
Dean’s Scream Dean’s scream made good television. The media shows stories that people will watch. The media shows stories that people will watch. People like to see politicians look like fools. People like to see politicians look like fools. The media took advantage because it would increase ratings and thereby increase advertising revenue. The media took advantage because it would increase ratings and thereby increase advertising revenue.
American Media and Democracy Is the media the “watchdog of democracy”? News provides more entertainment than information. News provides more entertainment than information. The media gives the people what they want, not what is good for them. The media gives the people what they want, not what is good for them.... a problem inherent in democracy, generally.
Herman Cain –The Daily Show Herman Cain –The Daily Show
Mission Accomplished
Rick Perry’s New Hampshire
Jon Stewart and Fox