Current Event Article Project “CEAP”
Projects = 50 points This project is EASY, but take it SERIOUSLY. Follow the schedule In class when you walk in **If you know you will be absent, you MUST hand it in EARLY
1. Due when you walk in 2. You MUST print out your article. You cannot it to Professoressa H. 3. You MUST attach your article to your report
4. You MUST type your report. DOUBLE SPACE it! 5. You must be able to talk about your article WITHOUT LOOKING AT IT.
6. Your article must be 1 to 2 pages of text, NOT internet mumbo-jumbo! 7. Article can NOT be more than 2 months old.
What will I have to write about the article? 1. Type of source: newspaper, magazine, online… 2. Name of source: New York Times,,… 3.Full title of article 4.Author of article (if none listed, write “none”, or if it says “AP”, then write “Associated Press”) 5.Date article came out
What will I have to write about the article? 6.Why did you pick this article? (1-2 sentences) 7.Why is the information in this article important to us as Italian students studying here in America? (2-3 sentences) 8.Summarize your article: 2 paragraphs, 5-8 sentences long each. Guiding questions: What are the most important facts? Where does this take place? What happened? What is being done now about the issue? What do you think about the event(s)/ how does it make you feel?
Websites These guidelines and a Word document of what to write is on Professoress H website. There is also a section on her website called “Italian Websites” to help you with this project. Your article’s text must be 1 to 2 pages ONCE YOU PRINT IT OUT, NOT JUST ON THE SCREEN!
Websites If you use a website, it must be a reliable source, such as: Google news Yahoo news
Article Content Your article must be about SOMETHING that recently HAPPENED in Italy. Do not bring in Italian advertisements, someone’s blog or travel diary about Italy, etc. If you are unsure if your article is ok, PRINT IT and BRING IT IN BEFORE THE DUE DATE. Professoressa H will check it over with you.
“CEAP” Rubric: Handed in on time: 5 points ___________ Article printed & attached (no more than 2 months old) : 10 points ________ Report typed & double spaced: 20 points ____________ Presentation: 15 points ____________ Total: 50 points ____________ 11