THE PRINCIPLES OF LIMITED GOVERNMENT The Constitution was designed around specific principles to limit (or restrict) the power of government while protecting both the rights of the people and ensuring the common good. Rule of Law Federalism Checks and Balances Majority Rule (Popular Sovereignty) Protection of Minority Rights
THE CONSTITUTION AND THE COMMON GOOD An Analysis of Limited Government PROJECT PURPOSE to specifically identify the principles of limited government in the United States Constitution to evaluate the effectiveness of the government under the Constitution in promoting the common good in the real world today CONTENT REQUIREMENTS 75 Points 1. PRINCIPLES OF LIMITED GOVERNMENT Connection 25 points Identify how at least three of the five principles are related to your assigned Article of the Constitution. This can be done with examples or clear connections to specific parts of your Article. 2. CURRENT EVENT Connection (2005-present) 25 points Find one (1) news story from a major news source (e.g., Newsweek, TIME, U.S. News & World Report, Fox News, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc…) that relates to at least one aspect of your assigned Article. Summarize the news story (in at least 1/2 page) and explain how it illustrates something about your Article limiting the power of the government/promoting the common good. 3. WHAT IF? Component 25 points Evaluate the effectiveness of the Article(s) in promoting the common good in America. Include an analysis of the importance of the Article(s) to our society by imagining what the United States might be like IF the Article(s) were different/absent from the Constitution. Use real, specific examples to illustrate your Article’s significance in promoting the common good in American society. FORMAT & PRESENTATION 25 Points Groups choose the format for the presentation of their projects. Some suggestions: news broadcast with deatailed written script (live or recorded), information booklet or brochure* , cartoon strips/comic book*, poster, song*,skit with detailed written script, television advertisement/PSA*, or a Keynote/PowerPoint presentation (* MUST INCLUDE SEPARATE written news story summary)
THE CONSTITUTION AND THE COMMON GOOD An Analysis of Limited Government Use any of the following links for your project’s CURRENT EVENT Connection: CNN Fox News MSNBC ABC New York Times Wall Street Journal Washington Post Chicago Tribune TIME Magazine Newsweek National Review U.S. News & World Report