Collection-level description & the Information Landscape: users evaluate strategies for resource discovery Collection Description Focus Workshop 5 Cambridge,


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Presentation transcript:

Collection-level description & the Information Landscape: users evaluate strategies for resource discovery Collection Description Focus Workshop 5 Cambridge, 30th January 2003 Bridget Robinson & Ann Chapman UKOLN, University of Bath Bath, BA2 7AY UKOLN is supported by: URL

Collection Description Focus Workshop 5, Cambridge, 30 January CLD & the Information Landscape Collection Description Focus What is a collection? Why collection-level description? Strategic Initiatives Collection-level description and the user perspective

Collection Description Focus Workshop 5, Cambridge, 30 January Collection Description Focus Improve consistency, compatibility of approaches Funded by –RSLP –JISC/DNER –British Library –Re:source Experience of RSLP Collection Description Benefit from collaboration with –Interoperability Focus –JISC Information Environment architecture team –NOF-Digitise Technical Advisory Service –CIMI (museums)

Collection Description Focus Workshop 5, Cambridge, 30 January Collection Description Focus Developing consensus –Gathering information –Building a community –Facilitating dialogue –CD Forum Disseminating good practice –Organising events –workshops, briefing days –Giving presentations –Publishing articles and papers –Developing training resources –recommendations, guidelines

Collection Description Focus Workshop 5, Cambridge, 30 January Collection Description Focus Supporting implementers –point of contact, advice –support for CLD in programmes –Research Support Libraries Programme –JISC programmes for building the IE –JISC Learning & Teaching (5/99) programme –NOF-Digitise –Re:source regional cross-domain research projects Providing tools

Collection Description Focus Workshop 5, Cambridge, 30 January What is a collection? Collection –an aggregation of items Aggregations of, e.g. –natural objects: fossils, mineral samples… –created objects: artefacts, documents, records… –digital resources: documents, images, multimedia objects, data, software… –digital surrogates of physical objects: documents, images… –metadata: catalogue records, item descriptions, collection-level descriptions (!)…

Collection Description Focus Workshop 5, Cambridge, 30 January What is a collection? Various criteria for aggregation, e.g. –By location –By type/form of item –By provenance of item –By source/ownership of item –By nature of item content –…. Any number of items Permanent, temporary Discrete, distributed Collections created with intent/purpose –consciously formed –collection development policies

Collection Description Focus Workshop 5, Cambridge, 30 January Why collection-level description? Enable collection provider to –manage own collections –control/audit/review holdings internally –identify collections at risk –assess priorities for item-level cataloguing –manage in collaboration with other providers –identify, record, share information on strengths and weaknesses –suggest areas where co-ordination possible –inform strategic planning –institutional, cross-institutional, regional, sectoral, national….

Collection Description Focus Workshop 5, Cambridge, 30 January Database of CLDs … CLDs are useful to resource managers?

Collection Description Focus Workshop 5, Cambridge, 30 January Collection-level description for users? Enable user to –discover/locate collections –select collections to explore/search on basis of summary description –compare collections as broadly similar objects (even where items heterogeneous) –understand conditions of access & use –interpret collections

Collection Description Focus Workshop 5, Cambridge, 30 January Collection of physical objects Collection of metadata records Collection of books Collection of digital items Database of CLDs CLDs provide high-level map of landscape for user, researcher, visitor….

Collection Description Focus Workshop 5, Cambridge, 30 January The resource discovery context Strategic initiatives –Museums –Renaissance in the Regions –Single Regional Agencies –Re:source Framework for Collections Management –Libraries: –Peoples Network : connectivity –Full Disclosure : retrospective cataloguing –Research Support Libraries Programme : disclosure/access, collaborative management –Archives: –Access to Archives, Scottish Archival Network, Archives Hub : integrated access

Collection Description Focus Workshop 5, Cambridge, 30 January Digital content creation programmes –making heritage (more) accessible –NOF-Digitise –£50m content creation programme –supporting strategy for social inclusion, lifelong learning –digitised objects –learning materials –130 projects, Summer –Culture Online –to widen access to resources of arts/cultural sector for purposes of learning and enjoyment The resource discovery context

Collection Description Focus Workshop 5, Cambridge, 30 January Collection-level description and the user perspective Distinction between collection manager needs and user needs Lack of user studies & evaluation Item-level v collection-level Single v cross domain accessibility Buy-in from end users Training & advocacy Collection-level description is out there……………………………….

Collection Description Focus Workshop 5, Cambridge, 30 January Acknowledgements UKOLN is funded by Resource: the Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the UK higher and further education funding councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC and the European Union. UKOLN also receives support from the University of Bath where it is based.

Collection Description Focus Workshop 5, Cambridge, 30 January Collection Description Forum - Draft Guidance Papers The following papers are available: Creating reusable collection-level descriptions Collection Description Focus Guidance Paper, No 1. November HTML: Maintaining collection-level descriptions Collection Description Focus Guidance Paper, No 2. November HTML: Administrative metadata for collection-level descriptions Collection Description Focus Guidance Paper, No 3. December HTML:

COMING SOON!!!! Collection Description Focus Showcase Event 25th March 2003 at British Library Conference Centre Theme - Collection-level description and bringing together distributed content Presentations and Demo Services