March of Dimes Initiatives Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Infant Mortality Washington, DC November 15, 2012 Cynthia Pellegrini Senior Vice President, Public Policy & Government Affairs March of Dimes Foundation
The March of Dimes mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.
Media Coverage CNN: mississippi/index.html?hpt=hp_c1 mississippi/index.html?hpt=hp_c1 USA Today preterm-birthrate/ / preterm-birthrate/ / US News & World Report news/news/articles/2012/11/13/us-preterm-birth-rate-continues-to-drop-report news/news/articles/2012/11/13/us-preterm-birth-rate-continues-to-drop-report Kaiser Health News: premature-births-but-slowly/?referrer=search premature-births-but-slowly/?referrer=search Huffington Post: birth-rate-hit_n_ html birth-rate-hit_n_ html The Hill: reauthorizing-preemie-act-will-help-reduce-premature-birth-rate reauthorizing-preemie-act-will-help-reduce-premature-birth-rate
Strong Start HHS executing approximately $1M in media buys during November (Prematurity Awareness Month) for March of Dimes early elective deliveries PSAs and print ads: Cable television in English Print and radio targeting African Americans TV and radio targeting Spanish dominant Online banners Search Engine (google terms) marketing
PREEMIE Act PREEMIE Act signed into law December 2006 (P.L ) Created the first real focus on coordinating, increasing federal preterm birth activities Directed convening of Surgeon General’s Conference on Prevention of Preterm Birth Expanded CDC activities on preterm birth
PREEMIE Act The PREEMIE Act is due for its five-year renewal H.R. 2679/S. 1440, sponsored by Reps. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and Leonard Lance (R-NJ) and Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Michael Bennet (D-CO) Protects federal research into causes, prevention and treatment of prematurity Non-controversial, virtually no new spending 9
World Prematurity Day November 17 is World Prematurity Day Central page on Facebook Partnership with World Health Organization, Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, Save the Children and dozens of others Activities in dozens of countries Article appearing in the Lancet on reducing preterm birth across the globe
Light the White House Purple The March of Dimes is petitioning to Light the White House Purple on January 3, 2013, to celebrate the 75 th Anniversary of the March of Dimes and as a symbol of hope for families whose children are born too soon. Sign the petition today at and ask your family and friends to sign as well! Photo by David Niblack
Thank you! Cynthia Pellegrini Senior Vice President, Public Policy & Government Affairs March of Dimes (202) · 12