Warm-Up Day Yesterday you watched 2 different videos on the Occupy Wall Street Movement. How did it change the way you now see and read information being presented to you? Explain. Prefix: bio Definition: life Example: biology: the study of life
Today’s Activity: 8 TH Today you will be writing two explanatory paragraphs regarding the videos you watched yesterday. Paragraph #1: How did CNN portray the Occupy Wall Street Movement. \ Paragraph #2: How did MSNBC portray the Occupy Wall Street Movement?
(CNN/FOX,MSNBC) uses the power of connotation in their report of Occupy Wall Street to convince viewers______________. For example, they call the (PROTESTORS/COPS) ___________. By doing this, it makes viewers think __________________ because the word___________ gives off the impression of ________. Furthermore, the reporter describes ____________________. Doing this gives off the impression___________________. Therefore, this news channel portrays the Occupy Wall Street movements as _________________________.
Today you will be writing an evaluation of which newscast you think did the best at persuading the audience. You will need to discuss both videos, but focus on how one did a better job. *should be multiple paragraphs 8 TH Honors Activity