Fractions! In this session we will look at: What fractions tell us. Equivalent fractions – what are they? How to simplify fractions. Kindly contributed to the Adult Basic Skills Resource Centre by Jennifer Williamson, Skills for Life Tutor, Juniper Training Ltd. Wolverhampton Jennifer says: The unusual orange background was used to suit a student with dyslexia but can easily be changed. Adult Numeracy links: N2/E3.1 read, write and understand common fractions e.g. 3/4, 1/10, 2/3. N2/E3.2 Recognise and use equivalent forms (e.g. 5/10 = 1/2). N2/L1.1 Read, write, order and compare common fractions and mixed numbers N2/L1.3 Recognise equivalencies between common fractions, percentages and decimals N2/L2.1 Use fractions to order or compare amounts or quantities N2/L2.2 Identify equivalencies between fractions, percentages and decimals
Name the Fractions shaded Six twelfths One quarter One half Two eighths Two fifths One third Two quarters
Equivalent Fractions You also need to be able to identify fractions that are the same as each other. These are known as equivalent fractions. You can find them by ‘simplifying’ the fraction you are given.
How to simplify fractions You will need your division skills for this task. You may want to write the sum on paper until you get more confident at doing them! Which fraction is equivalent to 5/10 ? 4/6 1/2 1/5
Step 1 – Write down your original fraction. 5 10 Step 2 - Think of a number that both sides of the fraction can be divided by without any remainders. I.e. a number that both 5 & 10 can be divided by. Step 3 – When you have thought of a number try it as follows. We will try ‘5’. 5 5 = 1 10 5 = 2 Step 4 – The sum works out to ½ so this is your answer!
Simplifying fractions 2/10 = 3/9 = 5/15 = 6/48 = 4/24 = 8/16 =
Simplifying fractions 2/10 = 1/5 3/9 = 1/3 5/15 = 1/3 6/48 = 1/8 4/24 = 1/6 8/16 = 1/2
Simplifying fractions 5/20 = 9/45 = 7/56 = 16/32 = 25/55 = 77/99 =
Simplifying fractions 5/20 = 1/4 9/45 = 1/5 7/56 = 1/8 16/32 = 1/2 25/55 = 5/11 77/99 = 7/9
Now try these on your own! 4/6 2/10 8/10 6/15 9/12 10/12 4/8 3/18 8/12 6/9 12/15 7/70 15/18 6/60