Fraction Review TAKE NOTES!!!!!!
Vocabulary Numerator: the number on top in a fraction Denominator: the number on bottom in a fraction Example: What is the numerator in the following fraction? What is the denominator? Answer: Numerator is 3. Denominator is 5.
Vocabulary continued: Improper fraction: when the numerator is larger than the denominator Example: Which of the following fractions are improper? Example: Numerator is 5 Denominator is 3 Since numerator is bigger than denominator, this fraction is improper 5 > 3 improper NOT improper
Adding Fractions 1)Get a common denominator 2) Change your numerators 3) Add numerators, keep same denominator 4) Put answer in simplest form
Example 1 + Step 1: Get a common denominator! What will 5 AND 3 go into?? 15, 30…… Step 2: Change your numerator. = = 3 3 == 5 5 Step 3: Add numerator + = Keep same denominator Step 5: Put in simplest form Final Answer is
Subtracting Fractions 1) Get a common denominator 2) Change your numerators 3) Subtract numerators, keep same denominator 4) Put your answer in simplest form
Example 2 ‒ Step 1: Get a common denominator What will 6 AND 4 go into?? 12, 24, 36, … Step 2: Change your numerator === 6 6 Step 3: Subtract numerators ‒ = Keep same denominator Step 5: Put in simplest form ÷ ÷ 6 6 = = 4 4
Multiplying Fractions 1)Multiply numerators 2) Multiply Denominators 3) Put answer in simplest form
Example 3 Step 1: Multiply Numerators 6 = Step 2: Multiply denominators = 48 6 Step 3: Put answer in simplest form ÷ ÷6 6 = Final answer:
Dividing Fractions 1) Keep 1 st fraction the SAME 2) Change ÷ to 3) FLIP the 2 nd fraction 4) Multiply 5) Put answer in simplest form
Example 4 Step 1: Keep 1 st fraction the SAME ÷ Step 2: Change ÷ to x Step 3: FLIP the 2 nd fraction Step 4: Multiply =
Example 4 continued: Step 5: Put your answer in simplest form! This fraction is improper! Need to divide! ‒ 18 Remainder becomes numerator! Same denominator! 1 The fraction part is not in simplest form!
Example 4 continued Simplify the fraction part! 3 3 = Final answer is 1