Join the Falls Prevention Virtual Learning Collaborative Falls Virtual Learning Session # 4 & Closing Congress Team Rapid Fire Presentation Template Name of Organization: Halton Healthcare Services Name of Speaker: Jacqueline Minezes
Halton Healthcare Services – Three Community Hospitals Location : Oakville, Milton and Georgetown, Ontario Units Participating: Complex Continuing Care (all 3 sites), Acute Rehab, Transitional Re-activation Unit, Med Surg (Georgetown Site). Number of Patients/Clients beds: All three sites = 459 Who We Are
Team Members Team MemberRole Anne Tompkins & Judy Montgomery Leads on Rehab at the Oakville Site Genny Cho, Heather Hetherington & Cathy Rose Leads on Complex Continuing Care (Oakville and Milton Sites) and Transitional Reactivation Unit (Oakville Site) respectively Deb Hansen and Barbara Tassone Leads on Med Surg at the Georgetown Site Deb Hansen and Georgia Pavlinek Leads on Complex Continuing Care at the Georgetown Site Jacqueline MinezesTeam Lead Kim KohlbergerTeam Sponsor
AIM Reduce incidence of falls (fall rate) by 40% from baseline by March 2011 Reduce injury from falls by 40% from baseline by March 2011
Change Ideas List Changes you have tested during Falls VLC PDSA Cycles: Optimize the inventory of fall prevention resources on all units participating in the collaborative Introduce, implement and consistently utilize the Morse Falls Risk Assessment Tool on all units participating in the collaborative on initial admission. Communicate re falls risk during transition of care (e.g. discharge from hospital, internal & external transfers).
Measures VariableSeptember 2010Dec 2010 Fall rate per 1000 patient days Acute Rehab:5.3 TRU (Oakville):6.3 Complex Continuing Care (Oakville):0 Complex Continuing Care (Milton): 0 Complex Continuing Care (Georgetown): 16.5 Med Surg (Georgetown):4.4 Acute Rehab:5.11 TRU (Oakville):6.5 Complex Continuing Care (Oakville):4.64 Complex Continuing Care (Milton): 8.65 Complex Continuing Care (Georgetown): Med Surg (Georgetown):5.43 Percentage of Falls causing Injury Acute Rehab: 50% TRU (Oakville):0 Complex Continuing Care (Oakville):0 Complex Continuing Care (Milton):0 Complex Continuing Care (Georgetown):0 Med Surg (Georgetown):0 Acute Rehab: 0 TRU (Oakville):0 Complex Continuing Care (Oakville):0 Complex Continuing Care (Milton):0 Complex Continuing Care (Georgetown):0 Med Surg (Georgetown):0
Measures (Cont’d) VariableSeptember 2010Dec 2010 Percentage of patients with a completed Falls Risk assessment on admission Acute Rehab: 1.8 TRU (Oakville):41.7 Complex Continuing Care (Oakville): 28.5 Complex Continuing Care (Milton):77.8 Complex Continuing Care (Georgetown): 69.2 Med Surg (Georgetown): 53.8% Acute Rehab:6.8% TRU (Oakville):44.4% Complex Continuing Care (Oakville):50% Complex Continuing Care (Milton): 27.8% Complex Continuing Care (Georgetown): 69.2% Med Surg Georgetown):53.2%
Lessons Learned List any “key” advice or insights you would like to share with other teams? Lessons Learned/Key Insights EDUCATION! In order to ensure uptake and sustainability of a new tool, spending time with front line staff and educating them on the use of a measure is imperative. DOCUMENTATION! Front line staff may implement the recommended falls preventation strategies in reality; but if it is not documented on record, information required when conducting an audit may be lost. RESOURCES! To ensure uptake and sustainability, investing in human resources to roll out a strategy is essential. FEEDBACK! Providing staff with feedback during PDSA’s or when data is collected on a unit will help them get a better understanding of the bigger picture.
What are some things you will do to sustain the work on reducing falls and injury from falls and by what date? Next Steps Key Sustainability Steps/Plan:Target Dates Continue to educate staff on the consistent implementation of the MORSE Falls Risk Assessment Tool on all patients admitted to the unit. July 2011 Complete audits on units and share results with the staff during monthly meetings if possible Ongoing
What are some things you will do to sustain the work on reducing falls and injury from falls and by what date? Next Steps Key Sustainability Steps/Plan:Target Dates Seek support from the Safer Elder Committee to assist with roll out on units Dependent on availability of resources Audit adherence to the Falls Risk Assessment Tool following a reported Falls Incident on the Unit Ongoing
Name: Jacqueline Minezes Phone Number: ext 6051 Contact Information