Developing Professional Leaders Georgia Institute of Technology Linda A. Cabot, Director, ITS John Mullin, CIO, OIT Copyright Linda A. Cabot, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
Is it a real problem? Recent articles (Briggs, Publications like CIO Magazine Enrollment trends Gartner predictions, Forrester Research
GT/OIT Workforce Data
OIT Potential Pool
Multiple Approaches Mentoring (formal and informal) Structured programs such as Educause’s Leadership program Local programs (Executive Masters) Institute based programs Unit level programs Job rotation Minorities in Management Symposiums
GT’s Multifaceted Approach Masters Series OIT Professional Leaders Program University Leadership Program
Program Audiences University Leadership Program faculty with leadership desire or potentialfaculty with leadership desire or potential Masters Series staff at specific grade levels with leadership potentialstaff at specific grade levels with leadership potential OIT Leaders Program staff with potential + interest in ITstaff with potential + interest in IT
OIT Professional Leaders Program Compliment to Masters Series Specific to information technology experiences Pilot geared to internal, current staff Opportunity to fill gaps in experience No inferred promises
Program Comparison Masters Series Training institutes in project mgt, teams, presenting Roundtable discussions Project Development/ Execution Individual career plan Group size ~12 OIT Leaders Program Assigned projects Defined scope and team Specific deliverables Focus on gaps in experience Participants 1 or 2
OIT’s Program Goals Embracing leadership development as a lifelong undertaking Reinforcement and expansion of leadership abilities Successful completion of the program Enhanced ability of participant’s potential to successfully compete for senior positions Succession planning and preparation Improve communication skills
Approach Identification of pilot candidate Negotiation of release time from current functional tasks Valid project assignments Resources to back fill gap in existing duties Senior administrator to monitor, keep focus
Current Status One of two projects completed, third identified Participant selected for Masters Series program Resource in place to backfill gap in existing functional assignments
Next Steps Completion of pilot by June 30, 2006 Document experience from participant Evaluate program and value, make adjustments as needed Open up to campus Solicit nominees for round two
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