close x Step 1: Validate Coding Step 2: Verify cash Step 3: Confirm authority Incorrect for acct type Check SAS to see if the agency made a simple coding error. Contact the agency to see if they made a typo. If unable to find correct code, return the TR to the agency. Invalid account Look for coding errors in the account code. Contact the agency for a valid account. Check legal references to see if the fund exists. Step 4: Check duplicates Insufficient cash Instruct the agency to either: Submit a new TR to increase the cash, or Remit cash to the fund. Insufficient legal authority Instruct the agency to submit a correcting transaction. Insufficient spending authority Instruct agency to submit a new TR to increase the authority. Is fund in Manual of State Funds? No: Return the request to the agency. Yes:Add fund using TC02 and re-process TR. Does fund exist? Is account in Final Budget Summary? No:Add account using TC04, and re-process the TR. Yes:Confirm authority Is authority needed? No:Re-process the TR. Yes:Use TC24, and re-process the TR. Yes No Yes Duplicate request Inform the agency, and return the request as a duplicate.
close x Step 5: Code the TR or JE Once the request is confirmed as valid, code the form and submit the request to the Fiscal Control Section. Step 1: Validate Coding Step 2: Verify cash Step 3: Confirm authority Step 4: Check duplicates To code the request, write in… Your name (not needed on JE form) Transaction code (TC) Validation date Message code (MC)
close x Step 5: Code the TR or JE Step 1: Validate Coding Step 2: Verify cash Step 3: Confirm authority Step 4: Check duplicates Step 6: Confirm processing The day after submitting a request to the Fiscal Control Section, check FISCAL or View Direct to confirm that the request processed as expected. Request not posted Look for an error slip form FISCAL. Re-process the request. Incorrect amount posted Determine what happened. Re-process the request. Correct amount posted = Process complete!
Tools: FISCAL View Direct Tools: FISCAL, SAS Manual of State Funds Final Budget Summary Tools: Transaction Request – or – JE Form (internal) Confirm the TR is Valid Code the Document Confirm that TR Processed 6.Make sure the correct amount posted. 1.Validate account. 2.Verify cash. 3.Confirm legal and spending authority. 4.Check duplicates. 5.Add coding details to the TR (or JE for internal requests)