Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem Chapter 15 Creation Part 3 Truth Bible Church Sunday School 2 Oct 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem Chapter 15 Creation Part 3 Truth Bible Church Sunday School 2 Oct 2011

The Ugly Grudem makes false statements in an attempt to “make peace” or lend credibility to the old earth view e.g. : “Scripture seems to be more easily understood to suggest (but not require) a young earth view, while the observable facts of creation seem increasingly to favor an old earth view.” (underline added) What “facts”?

The Ugly A word about all of this “scientific evidence” that is referred to by Grudem and others: What evidence? It is scant and some actually proves a young creation C-14 dating? Other radioactive dating? Serious problems and evolutionary scientists themselves do not use it! (see notes below) Geological column? It does not exist, except in artist’s pictures!

The Ugly Grudem does not present all the facts in his discussion of radiometric dating and geological processes He presents the lie of uniformitarianism first espoused by atheist Charles Lyell: that all geological processes proceed and have always proceeded at the rate currently observed, “present rate” - p. 299 Proven false by Mt. St. Helens eruption!

The Ugly Do not bow down and worship this false god of science and place it over and above Scripture, God’s Word! The Bible describes it this way: “science falsely called” - 1 Tim 6:20 “turn aside to myths” - 2 Tim 4:4 “philosophy and vain deceit” - Col 2:8 “imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God” - 2 Cor 10:5

The Ugly Grudem then is truly ignorant of the “observable facts” as 98% of scientific facts point to a young earth! (salinity, moon orbit, magnetic field, etc.) Grudem presents a position of compromise on the clearly stated Word of God in Genesis 1-3 Grudem states in Ch 5 the inerrancy and in Ch 6 the clarity of Scripture He also presents good hermeneutic principles throughout this book These points aren’t applied to his teaching on creation

The Truth Young Earth Creationism Mature Creationism Flood Geology Both are true, taught in Scripture, necessary, and observed in the world today The world was created with mature plants, animals, Adam and Eve (Genesis 1) The global flood had a tremendous effect!

The Truth Hermeneutics and Genesis 1-3 The word “yom” appears 2,301 times in OT Sometimes means day others means time period Good hermeneutical principles teach context, grammar, and historical understanding to original audience Let’s look at some context and grammar...

The Truth Hermeneutics and Genesis 1-3 Context and grammar: “yom” + number appear 410 times “evening” & “morning” together without “yom”, 38 times “evening” & “morning” together with “yom”, 23 times “night” with “yom”, 52 times In EVERY instance outside of Genesis 1 noted above the word “yom” is taken and understood to mean a literal 24 hour day

The Truth Hermeneutics and Genesis 1-3 Context and grammar: Back to the context of Genesis 1 we see the word “yom” along with a number the words “evening” & “morning” on each of the 6 days of creation Outside of Genesis 1 there are no scholars who argue the meaning of the word “yom” yet when it comes to Genesis 1 they abound and even Grudem states: “We must say very clearly that the age of the earth is a matter that is not directly taught in Scripture...” p. 308

The Truth Hermeneutics and Genesis 1-3 Consider the context of Exodus 20:8-11 All measures of time have a natural correlation, EXCEPT the 7 day week, that comes only from Scripture!

The Truth Hermeneutics and Genesis 1-3 Historical principle: Grudem acknowledges, “...This can hardly be the impression the original readers were intended to get from the text.” p. 308 The first death on planet earth was that of an animal that God sacrificed to “make a covering” (or atonement) for the sin of Adam and Eve Before the first sin and the resulting curse, creation was what? Very good! That rules out death, disease, and suffering

The Truth Hermeneutics and Genesis 1-3 Historical principle: Until relatively recently (the last years) all Bible scholars believed the plain reading of Genesis to mean that God created in 6, literal 24 hour days, only a few thousand years ago Even if several generations are missed in the accounts of Scripture the error of counting generations and applying to the age of the earth would be at most only 100 to 1000 years! Ussher’s date for creation based on genealogies (4004 B.C.) is much closer to The Truth than secular scientists!

Application What do you think and why? Should Scripture be understood in light of the philosophy of men? This is called a secular worldview Should science be understood in light of what Scripture clearly says? This is called a biblical worldview Which do you have?

Application While we do not advocate throwing away this book, there is a great deal of good and useful theology in it, this chapter demonstrates the level of compromise within the church on the foundation of Scripture - its beginning book... Genesis! Be aware of such compromise