Health and Physical Education PDHPE Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
Why we need it PDHPE promotes healthy and constructive lifestyles to improve decisions, relationships and the overall quality of life. No other KLA teaches this!
Why it’s important Develops the skills that lead to better health and the best chance of mental, physical and social well being Encourages understanding that leading healthy and fulfilling lives requires appreciation, values, skills and positive attitudes Builds resilience and resourcefulness in students through the development of key social skills
Form positive views towards ourselves and others Value Self and Others Respect Appreciation Relationships Society Form positive views towards ourselves and others
Encourage regular and frequent activity Physically Active Sports Games Skills Athletics Encourage regular and frequent activity
Learn to take responsibility regarding lifestyle Nutrition Healthy Options Environmental Health Prevention Energy Learn to take responsibility regarding lifestyle
References Board of Studies, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education K-6 Syllabus, 2007, Australia Images Tag Cloud generated by