UNIT 2 What ’ s on at the theater?
I. Lead-in Work in pairs, discuss the following questions and then share your answers with the whole class. Do you prefer to watch movies at home or at the theater? Why? Which do you prefer, contemporary movies or at classic movies? Why? Which do you prefer, Chinese movies or foreign movies? Why? If a book has been made into a movie, do you prefer to see the movie or to read the book first? Why?
II. Create a dialog with your partner according to the given situation, referring to the useful expressions in the form if necessary. A has two tickets for a car exhibition and invites B to go together this weekend. B gladly accepts the invitation. B learns that A has a friend working at the exhibition center and can get free tickets.
Useful expressions. …I am wondering If you’re free tomorrow night. Are you busy this evening? What are you doing tonight? What are you up to tonight? I guess I am. Why? Why do you ask? Yes, what’s on your mind? have you any pans?
Useful expressions. Will you come with me? Would you like to go/come with me? Do you want to come with me? Yeah, definitely! Thanks for inviting me! Certainly, thank you for the invitation. Sure, thank you very much/ever so much. Sounds great!
Useful expressions. It’s my pleasure. My pleasure. No problem. It’s nothing. I’m flattered you went through all this trouble just for me. Thank you for all the trouble you’ve gone to. Thank you for the trouble you’ve taken in securing the tickets.
Sample dialog. Pay attention to the colored expressions. A: Hi, are you busy this weekend? B: Yes, What’s on your mind? A: I’ve got two tickets for the car exhibition. Would you like to go with me? B: Sure. Thanks for your invitation. A: It’s nothing. B: I’ve been wanting to see the exhibition, but it was not at all easy to get a ticket. How did you manage to get two tickets? A: A friend of mine works at the exhibition center. She was able to get three free tickets. B: Wow, people are paying almost 100 yuan for a ticket on the black market. Thank you very much indeed for inviting me. A: No problem.
III. Create a dialog with your partner according to the table below, referring to the useful expressions in the form if necessary. Role ARole B Asks what B thinks about The Lion King It’s good, but not as good as Beauty and the Beast. Insist it is very good.Asks for reasons. Similarity between lions lives and the human lives Agrees, saying the murder in the Lion King is similar to the murder in Shakespeare's play Hamlet.
Useful Expressions. …What did you think about…? What do you think about…? What’s your opinion of…? …is an excellent piece of work, but not as good as the previous ones. It’s a wonderful /excellent movie, but not half as good as the previous one. It’s a great /super/killer piece of work, far better than the previous one.
Useful Expressions...was incredible! It’s unbelievably good. you can hardly imagine how wonderful the movie is. …one of the most spectacular things about it was… one of the most amazing/impressive/striki ng/sensational/breath- taking things about the film is…
Useful Expressions. State-of-the-art… …up-to-date… most modern… … so many fantastic settings and other- worldly costumes.. … so many strange/beautiful/mag nificent settings and elaborate/traditional/c olorful costumes…
Sample dialog. Pay attention to the colored sentences. A: What did you think about The Lion King? B: Well…I think this cartoon was pretty good, but not as good as Beauty and the Beast. It’s a killer flick. A: Really? But I think The Lion King was unbelievably good. B: I thought it was just OK. Why do you think so? A: Well, it’s so interesting that the lives of the lions were similar to the lives of human beings. B: you’re right. The murder in The Lion King was almost the same as the murder in the Shakespearean play Hamlet.
IV. Create a dialog with your partner according to the table below, referring to the useful expressions in the form if necessary. Role ARole B The plotAsk B’s opinion of the movie. First-rate The character- development Agrees with B, thinking the weak characterization has something to do with the casting Not very strong The castingDisagrees The actingRather poor The linesNot many interesting or witty lines. The heroineAgrees
Useful Expressions. … the plot was first-class. But I don’t think the character development was that strong. The plot is first- rate/superb, but the character development is not so/that strong/good. … the casting was great… The cast is strong. They have an all-star cast.
Useful Expressions. …the acting was a little weak. But the acting was bit weak/poor. But the acting was not much good. They just didn’t have a lot of funny or meaningful lines. They didn’t have many interesting and witty lines.
Useful Expressions. I can’t imagine anyone else playing that part. I don’t think anybody can compare with him in playing/acting that part. I doubt whether anyone can compare with him for that role. He’s soooo cute. He’s sweet/lovable/delightful/a dorable.
Sample dialog. Pay attention to the colored sentences. A: What do you think about the movie? B: I think the plot was first-rate. But I don’t think the character development was so strong. A: Yes, the characterization was rather weak. Do you think it is because of the casting of the movie? B: No, the cast was strong. But the casting was rather poor. And the lines are not interesting at all. A: Well, maybe. But I liked the heroine of the movie. She is excellent. B: Yeah, l liked her too. She’s adorable.
V. Questions for Discussions Which do you like best, action movies, comedies, horror movies or cartoons? Explain why. What’s the best/worst movie you’ve ever seen? Describe it. Should movies be rated to show what audience they are suited for? Explain why. Who are your favorite actors or actress in China? How often do you rent VCDs or DVDs?