Task Force Health Promotion in Mental Health Settings - Report 2013 Barcelona: period 2013/2014 Technische Universität Darmstadt Task Force Mental Health Promotion
Network activities: cooperation with a new network of mental health settings in Norway negotiations with Lutindi Mental Health Hospital in Tansania Started January 2013 finishing the consultation process for guidelines in psychosocial therapies for patients with severe mental disorders Published January 2013 Preconference: Doing it differently. Gothenburg Wednesday 22nd 2013 consultation of psychiatric hospitals and supporting the reform of mental health care services in Oblast Donezk/Ukraine Report about Part I January 2014 Publication: Mental Health Promotion. In Rössler W. (2014) Handbook of Prevention. Karger Freiburg 2 Technische Universität Darmstadt Task Force Mental Health Promotion
3 Research activities diet managment for patients with severe mental disorders: Intervention finished October 2012 the efficacy of psychoeducative family intervention for schizophrenic out-patients: finished 2013 the design and deployment of a balanced score card for health promotion of employees in mental health settings: finished June 2014 the implementation and evaluation of home-treatment and early crisis intervention for patients with severe mental disorders commissioned by an insurance company: finished April 2014 the evaluation of a self- assessment- tool for mental health promotion in psychiatric settings: finished Presentation at this conference Technische Universität Darmstadt Task Force Mental Health Promotion
4 the evaluation of a self- assessment- tool for mental health promotion in psychiatric settings Technische Universität Darmstadt Task Force Mental Health Promotion Main aims: formulate guidelines for health promotion in mental health services improve the quality of health promotion activities in mental health facilities development of a manual and a self-assessment tool, that will enable health professionals to assess health promotion activities in mental health settings Specific Aims: test the adequacy of the self-assessment tool test the standards and measurable elements qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate of relevance and applicability of standards and measurable elements
5 22nd International HPH Conference Barcelona, Spain Results: General assessment of the Tool 77.5% of participants found that the Self-Assessment Tool included all aspects that are significant for health promotion in mental health care % of participants gained new insights about the strengths and weaknesses of health promotion activities. 87.5% of participants would recommend a broad implementation of the Self- Assessment Tool in mental health services.
6 Technische Universität Darmstadt Renata Gil Jana Nowinski Vera Chaduneli Walter Gassmann Hartmut Berger research team Task Force Mental Health Promotion
7 Technische Universität Darmstadt Task Force Mental Health Promotion
8 Results of the task force work ( ) the task force developed and evaluated tools for mental health promotion: 1. multifamilyintervention for patients with severe mental diseases 2. diet managment for patients with SMI 3. home-treatment and early crisis intervention for patients with SMI 4. balanced score card for health promotion of employees in mental health settings 5. self- assessment- tool for mental health promotion in mental health settings Technische Universität Darmstadt Task Force Mental Health Promotion
9 Future Aims manual of health promotion in mental health settings containing: 1. models of good practice collected in the workshops and by own experience through the described studies 2. instruments of managing health promotion in mental health settings such as the self assessment tool for health promoting strategies, the BSC for health promotion and the multifamilyintervention for patients with schizophrenic disorders How to do establishing a working group collecting models of good practice in mental health promotion and publishing it in a data base and a handbook Technische Universität Darmstadt Task Force Mental Health Promotion