National Mental Health Intelligence Network Introduction to network and profiling tools Cam Lugton Head of Intelligence – Mental Health (NMHDNIN)
About us National Mental Health Intelligence Network (NMHIN) is part of the National Mental Health Dementia and Neurology Intelligence Network (NMHDNIN) Launched in June 2014; came into being 6 months earlier One of 5 Health Intelligence Networks led by PHE Core staff – MH: 8 people, 6wte – MHDN 13 people, 11wte. But the network is everyone that’s interested PHE funded but support the whole system / care pathways Each area (i.e. MH, Dementia) chaired by the relevant NHS National Clinical Director
Our remit: PHE intelligence networks remit Turn data into meaningful health intelligence to inform the planning and delivery of high quality, cost-effective services Work with partners and stakeholders to agree priorities, increase efficiency, drive innovation, and deliver effectively Ensure intelligence is understood and used to improve the health and wellbeing of the population and reduce inequalities Practical support to strategic clinical networks and other local partners Eyes on the long term prize: –Data linkage across clinical pathways and external agencies –Translation of research findings –shift in resources towards primary and secondary prevention –Better outcomes and reduced health inequalities
Where to access the Network: Where to access the tools:
Demonstration of NMHIN tools: using the Suicide Prevention Profile
Profile structure: data held in 3 domains Note: ‘Suicide data’ is presented at local authority level only, ‘Related risk factors’ and ‘Related service contacts’ include data presented at both local authority and CCG level
Suicide data
Suicide data: note – female age group rates are the regional value in which he local authority resides
Portsmouth Isle of Wight
South East– male age specific crude suicide rates per 100,000 (5 year average)
Female years of life lost due to suicide: age standardised rate 15 – 74 years: per 10,000 males (3 year average)
Related risk factors
Portsmouth 11.6 per 100,000East Sussex 11.0 per 100,000
Related service contacts
Related service contacts – local authority data Portsmouth 11.6 per 100,000East Sussex 11.0 per 100,000
Related service contacts – CCG data
Portsmouth CCG High Weald Lewis CCG
And rest… Any questions / comments?
SMI profiling tool: building a profile – an example using Brighton and Hove
condition counts / estimates and comparison methodology
Geographical 1 – SCN Geographical 2 – Commissioning Region Number of people with SMI known to GPs: % on register
Statistical 1 – deprivation decile Statistical 2 – CCG Cluster Number of people with SMI known to GPs: % on register
Geographical neighbours Statistical neighbours: deprivation
Risk Profiling
Care in Primary Care: 1. proportion of SMI exceptions 2. Health checks
Geographical neighbours Statistical neighbours: deprivation
Accessing care: 1. Early Intervention in Psychosis 2. Use of Mental Health Act
Geographical neighbours Statistical neighbours: deprivation
Geographical neighbours Statistical neighbours: deprivation B&H Trend
Whole system assessment:
Common Mental Health Disorders Use of Improving Access To Psychological Therapies
Statistical group comparison
Moving Forward
NMHIN 15/16 proposition 1. Improving prevalence/incidence estimates 2. Improving local profiling (both risk and asset profiling) 3. Focus on mental wellbeing, primary and secondary prevention 4. Understanding the relationship between physical and mental health 5. Best Start In Life: Perinatal and Infant MH, Children and Young People’s MH 6. Improving adult mental health – SMI pathways and CMHD, 7.Suicide prevention 8. Improving data quality 9. Improving data access 10. Building data linkages 11. Continue to develop how we present data Understanding the Population Prevention, Promotion & Pathways Data Development and Access Support NHS and LA to: 1)identify and measure inequality 2)understand the whole pathway 3)relate activity and outcome to cost 4)investigate new models of working. Cross cutting themes
In terms of what we will deliver, that means: 1)Support product use 2)Product outputs: a.Profiling tools b.Intelligence products c.Website 3)Data development 4)Measure impact & seek feedback NMHIN 15/16 proposition
ProductsProcess User guides: general and product specific. Priority is to develop a JSNA toolkit Deliver programme of promotional and product use presentations and workshops Video aids – current: Intro to network, intro to profile tools planned: product and process specific items Support PHE Local Contribution Leads and Knowledge Transfer Facilitators to present / train NMHIN products Promotional presentations: general and product specificSupport appropriate SCN staff / members to use and encourage use / train on MHIN products Encouraging use presentations: topic and product specificRun series of product and process focussed webinars Training materials: feed into existing programmes / develop MHIN specific modules Routine engagement with knowledge facilitators (PHE, SCNs) to provide updates and receive feedback Effectively measure impact Support product use No point in intelligence products unless people know about & use them. To ensure that happens we will deliver the following: Stakeholder engagement is essential. We need to know that: people know about products, products are used well, products are fit for purpose, users tell us what else is required.
ToolPlanned developmentPotential development SMI Provider level view of data – NHSBN + more LA view of MHLDDS data Add new psychosis prevalence estimates Flow waiting time & access pathway metrics Condition based data – through C&P file or diagnosis data Add high level pathways Data split by age group CMHD Condition based view of IAPT Average number of sessions Range of service available Specialist care role in CMHD Better use of benefits and carer data IAPT employment metrics CYPMHW Preparation for major expansion in response to forthcoming CAMHs dataset (inc CYP IAPT) CESMMHI Update routinely and review content Suicide prevention Review / add to current content Additional data items at MH Trust level Across tools Improve metrics for prevention & finance Improve non health care provider content Profiling tools More tools? If so on what topics? Perinatal MH, Crisis, AMH pathway specific More data? What topics / organisations are missing? Police, CJS Less data? Fewer data items but more ‘indicators’? In tool guidance / interpretation? Rationale for inclusion, evidence base, triangulation
Planned outputsPotential outputs Children and Young Peoples Mental Wellbeing Indicator Guide CMHD data briefing Psychosis Care Pathway – reviewing the national picture (joint work with NHSE) Understanding physical health management of people with a mental illness Mental Health chapter in Atlas of Variation 3.0 (joint work with NHSE) Inequality highlight report Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Needs Assessment (joint work with ChiMat) Measuring prevention Suicide surveillance evaluation reporting (joint work with Public Mental Health) JSNA toolkit Intelligence products Intelligence products for three reasons: 1) Support local action2) Inform policy 3) Highlight key findings from data Are these right? What’s missing? If max of 3 more planned for 15/16, what would they be?
Work area Planned actionPotential action New data Prevalence: psychosis and CMHD? Flow waiting times & access metrics Flow outcome & improvement measures Develop pathway prevalence estimates (Perinatal, PD, ED) + flow APMS & CAMHS Develop / flow prevention metrics Flow new data sources (police, CJS) Data use Improve efficiency of data flow e.g. combine months, rates at source Improve use of existing sources (C&P, NHSBN, Programme Budget & other finance) Review / revise Fingertips population methodology Data quality Aim for all ‘green’ data items Focus on topic specific areas of concerns Issue resolution e.g. MH LD data split Review use of best data (e.g. carers, social care) Join work to resolve diagnosis issues Role in validation of QOF data / fill gaps on stepped down data items Data access Access MHLDDS & HES to add data items Data linkage Link primary & secondary care data – work with key areas and prep for Link MHLDDS & HES: outputs to include perinatal MH and understanding physical health Data development This work area has defined outputs but needs the space to be developmental How much does the data quality agenda sit with NMHIN and how much elsewhere?
If you would like a video introduction to the network or a guide to using the tools please go to: aspx?RID= aspx?RID=207312