The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the MDGs Dr. Mercy Onsando, CEO, United Disabled Persons of Kenya Marianne Schulze, Light for the World
Brief History UN Int‘l Year of Disabled People 1981 UN Decade of People with Disabilities UN Standard Rules 1992 Durban Conference, 2001 Resolution: Ad Hoc Committee
Scope of protection „disability is an evolving concept, disability results from the interaction between persons with impairments & attitudinal & environmental barriers that hinders their full & effective participation in society on an equal basis with others“ „persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full & effective participation in society on an equal basis with others“
Principles Respect for the inherent dignity Non-discrimination Full & effective participation Respect for difference Equality of opportunity Accessibility Equality between men & women Respect for the evolving capacities of children
Level of legal inclusion Universal Declaration of Human Rights Int‘l Covenant on Civil & Political Rights (1966) Int‘l Covenant on Economic & Social Rights (1966) Anti RacismWomenAnti-Torture ChildrenMigrant WorkersICRPD
Full & effective human rights Spell out accessible human rights Anti-Discrimination clause Civil society engagement at all levels „Discrimination is expensive!“ „A tool that requires exposure“ Full & effective inclusion of all
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities & the MDGs
MDG 1: Eradicate extreme poverty Poverty is a cause & consequence of disability Persons with disabilities are overrepresented among the poor ICRPD: „majority of persons with disabilities live in conditions of poverty.. critical need to address the negative impact of poverty“
MDG 2: Universal primary education 98% of children with disabilities in developing countries are not in school Frequently children with disabilities are not able to contribute (in)directly to household economy ICRPD: Article 24: inclusive education at all education levels
MDG 3: Gender equality Women with disabilities are recognized as being multiply deprived Particularly vulnerable to abuse ICRPD: Art 5: Equality & non-discrimination Art 6: Women with Disabilities
MDG 4: Reduce child mortality 80% mortality for children with disabilities (in countries where overall rate is 20%) Vulnerability to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment ICRPD: Art 7: Children with Disabilities Art 15: Freedom from Torture Art 16: Freedom from Exploitation, Violence.. Art 17: Protecting the Integrity of the Person Art 25: Health Art 26: Hanbilitation & Rehabilitation
MDG 5: Improve maternal health 20 Million women/year suffer disability as a result of pregnancy & child birth Peri-natal disabilities can often be prevented ICRPD: Art 6: Women with Disabilities Art 25: Health
MDG 6: Combat HIV/Aids, Malaria & Other Diseases HIV/Aids, malaria & tuberculosis are causes for the loss in disability-adjusted life years in high mortality countries 1 in 10 children suffers neurological impairment after cerebral malaria ICRPD: Art 25: Health Art 28: Adequate standard of living
MDG 8: Develop global partnership Article 32 - International Cooperation Inclusive Development Persons with Disabilities included in all phases of development programs Participation of civil society No ODA money spent on further barriers