Pakistan Floods, Summer 2010 Sunderland Minster presentation, 14 Sept 2010
A Pakistan army rescue helicopter drops bottles of water to residents huddling on dry land in flood-hit Sukkur – image AFP
Pakistani flood survivors walk past the flooded area near Kabul river in Nowshera District – image AFP
Statistics Deaths 1,800 Injured 2,800 Houses damaged 1,850,000 Population affected 20,500,000 Data from UN-OCHA, 6 Sept 2010 Comparison stats: North-East population 2,570,000 England population51,500,000
Updated map as distributed.
Flood as at 6 Sept 2010 Pink = severe Yellow = moderate
NASA, July 19 NASA, Sept 7
Partner charities: ActionAid Age UK / Help Age International British Red Cross Cafod (Caritas) CARE International Christian Aid Concern Islamic Relief Merlin Oxfam Save the Children Tearfund World Vision £40m raised 1.3m people helped
Example (1) Christian Aid Food, basic shelter and relief items for 14,000 people in the city of Dera Ismail Khan. Mobile health teams have already treated 2,500 flood- affected patients in Mansehra and in Swat More food, plastic sheets, kitchen equipment, mosquito nets and hygiene kits have been procured and are being distributed in Swat, Sibbi, Kohistan, Shangla and Khairpur and Sukkur, reaching 76,000 more recipients.
Example (2) Save the Children reached over 69,100 people with emergency medical care and distribution of tents, shelter kits, hygiene kits, food and other supplies. working in 17 districts in all four provinces through UN clusters and in partnership with National, Provincial and District administrations, to provide assistance to flood affected families. Clean delivery kits, insecticide-treated bed nets, children’s and regular hygiene kits are also being distributed.
Example (3) Islamic Relief Provided food packs for 74,000 people and water for 45,000 people per day. Hygiene kits provided for 70,000 people. 26,000 people have been given household items including mattresses, mosquito nets and blankets, while 5,500 have been given tents
Funding as at 9-Sept-2010 – UN OCHA