STATISTICS Population: 26 Million Child Deaths under per 1,000 Life expectancy 42.5 years Total health expenditure 29/capita Afghanistan l Merlin USA Map of Afghanistan **
AVAILABILITY OF CARE Four out of ten citizens have access to basic health care 2 out of 3 facilities lack in women’s and childrens heath services 1 doctor for every people Many people living in rural areas have to walk several miles to receive the care they need. (Afghanistan…. Progress at a glance)
COMMON DISEASES HIV/AIDS Malaria Tuberculosis Measles (Afghanistan…. Progress at a glance) District hospital in Afghanistan
WOMEN’S HEALTH 7 percent of women die during childbirth 87% or babies were delivered at home without proper supplies or care 70% of people in Afghanistan affected by tuberculosis are women Not even 30% of health care clinics have female workers 75% of Afghan women have never even heard of contraceptive methods.
MEDICAL CARE FOR CHILDREN Half of the children born in Afghanistan die before they reach the age of 5 38% of the children that die before the age of 5 die in the first month of life.
LANDMINES The leading cause for injury among native Afghans is the risk of landmines. Landmines are “explosive devices that are designed to explode when triggered by pressure or a tripwire and are found just below the surface of the ground.” (What are landmines?) Small children, workers, and civilians are often killed or seriously wounded because they are unable to tell where the landmines are located. Doctors frequently have to amputate limbs in inadequate conditions, leading to infection and the spread of disease. Landmines in Afghanistan
AFGHANISTAN VS. USA MEDICAL STATISTICS The United States 99% of population using improved drinking water sources, 2008, total 100% of population using improved sanitation facilities, 2008, total Immunization 2010, 1-year-old children immunized against: Measles : 92% Immunization 2010, 1-year-old children immunized against: HepB : 92% Afghanistan 48% of population using improved drinking water sources, 2008, total 37% of population using improved sanitation facilities, 2008, total Immunization 2010, 1-year-old children immunized against: Measles: 62% Immunization 2010, 1-year-old children immunized against: HepB: 62% "At a Glance: United States of America." "Afghanistan." UNICEF
WORKS CITED "Afghanistan | Merlin USA." Afghanistan | Merlin USA. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Oct "Afghanistan." UNICEF. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Oct "At a Glance: United States of America." UNICEF. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Oct "Health." Afghanistan: Millennium Development Goals: Progress at a Glance. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct "Landmines in Afghanistan: A Decades Old Danger." Defense Industry Daily. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Oct "What Are Landmines." What Are Landmines. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Oct