Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Technology Cooperation on New and Renewable Energy Technologies in the APEC Region Cary Bloyd, Ph.D. APEC Sustainable Development Network Argonne National Laboratory 2002 APEC Exhibition on New & Renewable Energy Technology Seoul, Korea 7-9 November 2002
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) EGNRET Expert Group on New and renewable Energy Technologies Mission: To facilitate the increase in the use of new & renewable energy technologies in the APEC region Objective: Removal of specific barriers to renewable-energy development and associated issues (
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) EGNRET’s Renewable Energy Activities are Diverse and Complementary Conduct research projects Organize workshops Leading Major Initiatives –APEC 21 st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) EGNRET Has Completed Over 25 Projects Workshop on Renewable Energy as it Relates to Sustainable Development Workshop on Distributed Electric Power Development of Analytic Methodologies to Incorporate Renewable Energy in Domestic Energy and Economic Planning Economy Level Renewable Energy Roadmaps Analysis of Renewable Energy Retrofit Options to Existing Diesel Mini-Grids
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Eight Projects are being implemented in 2002 APEC 21 Century Renewable Energy Initiative: Training and Accreditation Needs and Capabilities Study APEC Energy R&D and Technology Transfer Seminar Adoption of Renewable Energy Standards 2002 APEC Exhibition On New & Renewable Energy Technology Including New and Renewable Energy Technologies into Economy Level Energy Models APEC Renewable Energy Infrastructure Assessment Workshop on Distributed Electric-Power Monitoring and Assessing the Design, Operation and Performance of an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Project
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Seven Projects have been approved for 2003 implementation APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative VIII): Financial roadmap for the APEC Region. APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative VIII): Building and Developing an APEC Renewable- Energy Collaboratives Projects Integrator (APEC-CPI) APEC 21 Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative VI): Workshop on advances in electricity storage in support of distributed renewable energy based systems APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative I): USA Technical Workshop to Support Village Power Applications
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Seven Projects have been approved for 2003 implementation (cont’d) APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative I): USA APEC Clean Energy/Village Power Private Sector Forum. APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative II): USA Greenstar Micro-Enterprise Project Phase 2-- Replicating Combining Solar Power and Internet Connectivity Concept for Sustainable Development. APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative VIII): USA Demonstration of the feasibility of operating a renewables-related energy-service company (RESCO) in the hydro-electric field.
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) APEC 21 st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative Launched in May 2000 Launched by the United States at the 4 th APEC Energy Ministers meeting Developed within the EGNRET A Multi-Year Work Program Purpose: To advance the use of renewable energy for sustainable economic development and growth of the APEC region. (
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative Efforts Under the Initiative I: Stakeholders Dialogues, Outreach Forums and Symposiums: USA II: Micro-Business Development: USA III: Renewable-Energy Training and Certification Network: Australia IV: Renewable-Energy Standards: China
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Collaborative Efforts Under the Initiative (Continued) V: Distributed Resources: New Zealand VI: Renewable-Energy Technology Applications: Thailand VII: Web-Based Renewable Energy Information Dissemination: Canada VIII: Financing: Mexico
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) The Initiatives’ Activities Survey of APEC Member Economies’ Renewable-Energy-Based Priority Needs and Issues Relating to Sustainable Development (November 2000) APEC Private Sector Renewable Energy Forum (March 2001) Second Private Sector Forum Planned for Fall 2003
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Survey of APEC Member Economies The 7 page survey was completed by 15 economies °A detailed synthesis of the results will be available this April. °The full surveys are available at: Sustainable development priorities and goals: °Developed: transportation & air pollution reduction. °Developing: rural development & electrification, poverty alleviation and education.
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Survey of APEC Member Economies (2) Renewable energy technology utilization: °Developed: more advanced, larger in scale, grid-connected. °Developing: small scale, task specific, off-grid. Identified needs and barriers: °Developed: exiting fossil fuel infrastructure. °Developing: financial challenges.
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) EGNRET Activities Are Being Recognized by Senior Officials 5th APEC Energy Ministerial (July 23, 2003): “We also welcome progress under the 21 st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative, which includes a strong private sector involvement and applications in rural and remote regions.”
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) EGNRET Activities Are Being Recognized by APEC Leaders Fourteenth APEC Ministerial Meeting (October 23-24, 2002) “We commended progress under the 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative”
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) EGNRET Activities and the World Summit on Sustainable Development EGNRET Activities and specifically those of the APEC 21 st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative were highlighted in the EWG Type 2 Partnership Initiative: Fostering Regional Energy Cooperation in APEC-- Energy for Sustainable Development
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Renewable Energy is a multi- faceted fuel Renewable energy is one of the few supply side energy resources available to all APEC economies. Renewable energy can impact both short-term and long-term energy use. Renewable energy can be an important part of an economy’s energy “portfolio”.
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) New & Renewable Energy Technologies Will Play a Critical Role in the Worlds Energy Future The question is when and which one: Power generation (wind/PV) Transport fuels (hydrogen) Energy Storage (flywheels/fuel cells)
Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) The “Optimal” renewable energy choice depend on the system boundaries Consumers/businesses may be interested in only low cost energy Provincial leaders may include local jobs National leaders may include the desire for energy security, balance of trade, and environmental impacts