1 The Library and Information Advisory Commission (LIAC) Ngā Kaiwhakamārama i ngā Kohikohinga Kōrero LIANZA Conference 6 September 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

1 The Library and Information Advisory Commission (LIAC) Ngā Kaiwhakamārama i ngā Kohikohinga Kōrero LIANZA Conference 6 September 2004

2 LIAC Purpose Advises Minister for the National Library on library and information issues in New Zealand, including mātauranga Māori, and access to library and information services the role of library and information services, including mātauranga Māori, in the cultural and economic life of New Zealand any other matters requested by the Minister

3 LIAC Vision Aotearoa – New Zealand: a leading information democracy Mapping the information landscape - high level advocacy Imagining the information society - capacity building Informing Aotearoa New Zealand - meeting community needs

4 LIAC Work Plan Map the existing information landscape and analyse the gaps –what is or isn’t happening Imagining the information society –what could happen Policy arch of strategies and frameworks –how it will happen

5 Influences Local Regional international Digital Strategy WSIS LIANZA Strategy Dec 2005 Informing New Zealand POLICY IMPERATIVES ARCH How it happens 1. Mapping the landscape What is / isn’t happening Map Information needs Map Information Landscape Research Report What should happen 2. Imagining the Information Society? Gap analysis What could happen Timeline April 04 Aotearoa - New Zealand: A Leading Information Democracy

6 National Digital Strategy Vision “New Zealand will be a world leader at using information and technology to realise our economic, social and cultural goals”

7 LIAC Response Digital Strategy would be strengthened by incorporating mātauranga Māori into the way that New Zealand articulates its digital future

8 LIAC Response LIAC proposes the creation of a new entity, New Zealand Online Could support ‘imagination points’ i.e. projects, which could provide the framework for a world-class, digital infrastructure

9 LIAC Response P ublic libraries could be used as vehicles to advance the Strategy vision Changes to legislation concerning the provision of consistent and equitable levels of public library service would be required

10 LIAC Response LIAC delighted to note ambitious benchmark targets set for broadband speed by 2010 Concerned about New Zealand’s ability to achieve them given that it has fallen behind other developed countries

11 LIAC Members Ainslie Dewe (Chair) Brian Pauling Chris Szekely Evelyn Tobin Karl du Fresne Paul Reynolds Penny Carnaby