JEOPARDY! Final Jeopardy 100 Schools & Chapter 7 Hinduism & Buddhism MonotheismChapter 8Chapter 10 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
100 Schools & Chapter 7 for $100 The uncarved block.
100 Schools & Chapter 7 for $100 What is P’u?
100 Schools & Chapter 7 for $200 Shi Huangdi finished his conquest of China in this year.
100 Schools & Chapter 7 for $200 What is 221 BCE?
100 Schools & Chapter 7 for $300 King Ezana converted this kingdom in Africa’s northeast to Christianity.
100 Schools & Chapter 7 for $300 What is the Axum Kingdom?
100 Schools & Chapter 7 for $400 The Pyramids of the Sun and Moon lined the Avenue of the Dead in this city.
100 Schools & Chapter 7 for $400 What is Teotihuacan?
100 Schools & Chapter 7 for $500 This was the largest city in the Niger River Valley.
100 Schools & Chapter 7 for $500 What is Jenne-Jeno?
Hinduism and Buddhism for $100 One’s actions in this life impact not only this life but also later lives.
Hinduism and Buddhism for $100 What is karma?
Hinduism and Buddhism for $200 This is Buddha’s name.
Hinduism and Buddhism for $200 What is Siddhartha Gautama?
Hinduism and Buddhism for $300 This is the Fourth Noble Truth.
Hinduism and Buddhism for $300 What is the Eightfold Path?
Hinduism and Buddhism for $400 These are the two shruti texts.
Hinduism and Buddhism for $400 What are the Vedas and the Upanishads?
Hinduism and Buddhism for $500 Speculation “tends not toward edification” is a quotation from this sermon.
Hinduism and Buddhism for $500 What is The Poisoned Arrow of Needless Speculation?
Monotheism for $100 He is considered the “father” of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Monotheism for $100 Who is Abraham?
Monotheism for $200 This large box at the center of Mecca attracts millions of pilgrims every year.
Monotheism for $200 What is the Kaaba?
Monotheism for $300 He famously killed Goliath; Jesus is descended from his house.
Monotheism for $300 Who is David?
Monotheism for $400 This gospel may have been begun by one of Jesus’ disciples shortly after his death, but it was the last gospel to be finished and is the least like the other three.
Monotheism for $400 What is John?
Monotheism for $500 President Obama recently called for a two-state solution with borders dating from just before the beginning of this war.
Monotheism for $500 What is the 1967 “Six Day” war?
Chapter 8 for $100 This remarkable beast of burden allowed trade across the Sahara to flourish.
Chapter 8 for $100 What is the camel?
Chapter 8 for $200 Upon hearing about Buddha, some Chinese converts believed that he was a follower of this Chinese tradition.
Chapter 8 for $200 What is Taoism?
Chapter 8 for $300 This disease was carried along Silk Road routes by Mongols, killing nearly half of all Europeans in 1347.
Chapter 8 for $300 What is the Bubonic Plague? Black Death is also acceptable.
Chapter 8 for $400 This is a major Mahayana Buddhist temple complex built during the Srivijayan Empire.
Chapter 8 for $400 What is Borobudur?
Chapter 8 for $500 Mogadishu, a major port for Swahili traders in east Africa, is in this modern-day country.
Chapter 8 for $500 What is Somalia?
Chapter 10 for $100 The dominant social and political system of the middle ages.
Chapter 10 for $100 What is feudalism?
Chapter 10 for $200 This Crusade “accidentally” took Constantinople instead of Jerusalem.
Chapter 10 for $200 What is the Fourth Crusade?
Chapter 10 for $300 This famous pope sent missionaries to England, publicized the Life of Benedict, and had early Christian music named after him.
Chapter 10 for $300 Who is Gregory I?
Chapter 10 for $400 This Prince asked representatives from Eastern and Western Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and other religions to convince him to convert; he chose Eastern Orthodoxy.
Chapter 10 for $400 Who is Prince Vladimir I of Kiev?
Chapter 10 for $500 The Albigensian Crusade targeted people of this Christian sect.
Chapter 10 for $500 What is Catharism?
Final Jeopardy “ On this account I, or rather the Lord, beseech you as Christ's heralds to publish this everywhere and to persuade all people of whatever rank, foot-soldiers and knights, poor and rich, to carry aid promptly to those Christians and to destroy that vile race from the lands of our friends. I say this to those who are present; it is meant also for those who are absent. Moreover, Christ commands it. ”
Final Jeopardy Answer Who is Pope Urban II?