Korea Because of its location to China was more influenced than any other state. Korea develops its own culture and political identity. Did receive farming and metalworking from China. Sinification is adaptive through Buddhism, and writing.
Korea--Silla Silla aligns with the Tang to defeat other groups in Korea. Silla becomes a vassal state in 668 and pay tribute to the Chinese, who allow the Silla govern in return. The Silla do allow Sinification to take place.
Sinification Imperial family Many aristocracy studies in Chinese schools and sat for Confucian exams. Most positions were favored by birth. Buddhism was favored over Confucians. Aristocracy dominate Korea’s political, economic and social life.
Vietnam--Qin Chinese move into the Red River Valley because of the fertile rice region. They received the benefits of Chinese society but did not lose their own culture. Their language was not related to the Chinese, had village autonomy, nuclear family and Vietnamese women had freedom in general.
Sinificaiton Han extracts tribute from Vietnam and then governs directly. Viets attend Chinese schools, learn Chinese script and studied Confucian classics. Incorporation of new techniques leads to high productivity and high population. Use of military techniques gives them advantage over other colonizers.
Resistance Many Viets were frustrated by the Chinese. The Trung sisters lead a revolt in 39 CE to outlaw Confucianism (male-dominated). By 939 (fall of Tang) Vietnam is independent (almost 1,000 years of war). Scholar-gentry never gains much power. Most officials identify with village rulers, peasantry and Buddhism.