WHAT WE WILL BE DOING…. Your goal is to create a Ancient River Civilization Study Guide for each of the civilizations studied. This will add to your P.E.R.S.I.A.N. chart and give you more knowledge about the Ancient River Valley Civilizations. Each Civilization will have; Your P.E.R.S.I.A.N. chart A map Cornell notes of the area (you will be responsible for doing this on your own—a.k.a. your homework) A Spotlight section highlighting different aspects of each civilization.
MAP ACTIVITY- MESOPOTAMIA/SUMERIA Step 1: Turn to Page 28 Step 2: Label these locations first—in BLACK Tigris and Euphrates River Mesopotamia The City-states: Ur, Sumer, Uruk, Babylon, Kish, and Akkad The Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Caspian Sea, Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea The Zagros Mts, Syrian and Arabian Desert Fertile Crescent Step 3: Color in the areas of the Fertile Crescent and Sumer – in GREEN Step 4: Draw in/Color in/over water ways, River, Gulfs, and Seas – in BLUE
SPOTLIGHT—KING HAMMURABI Step 1: Pick up a reading on King Hammurabi and a question sheet Step 2: With a partner, read each of the rules for the society and answer the questions. Step 3: Now create 10 rules for our school in the fashion of King Hammurabi. Step 4: Share you list with the class during discussion time.
CORNELL NOTES— HOMEWORK! Pick up a cornell notes handout from Mrs. Innes. Read Pages and take notes. Turn your notes in on Friday for check and grade!
MAP ACTIVITY: EGYPT AND INDUS Egypt Step 1: Turn to Page 34 Step 2: Label these locations first in BLACK: Red Sea Nile River Cities of Memphis, Nubia, and Thebes Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt Nile River Delta Western and Eastern Desert Step 3: Color in the desert areas in YELLOW Step 4: Color the Nile River Delta in GREEN Step 5: Color in the water areas/Nile in BLUE Indus Step 1: Turn to Page 42 Step 2: Label these locations first in BLACK Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean Thar Desert, Deccan Plateau Indus River, Ganges River, Narmada River Himalaya Mountains Cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa Step 3: Color the Mountains and Passes in BROWN Step 4: Color the Desert areas in YELLOW Step 5: Color the water areas/rivers/ oceans in BLUE Step 6: Color the Indus Civilization in GREEN.
SPOTLIGHT: Step One: We will be heading to the lab (for 2 nd hour) OR using the laptops (for 8 th hour). Step Two: Look up the following website. Spend 15 minutes each exploring the site. Step Three: Play the game for each group— For the Egyptians– Mummy Maker (under the mummification part. For the Indus—Indus Trader (on the home page) WEBSITES!! indus_valley/
CORNELL NOTES— HOMEWORK! Pick up a cornell notes handout from Mrs. Innes. Read Pages and take notes. Turn your notes in on Monday for check and a grade!
MAP ACTIVITY—ANCIENT CHINA Step 1: Turn to page 47 Step 2: Label the following places in BLACK! Huang He (Yellow), Yangtze, and Xi Jiang Rivers Yellow Sea and Pacific Ocean Gobi Desert, North China Plain Shang Dynasty Zhou Dynasty Step 3: Color the Desert in BROWN Step 4: Color the Shang Dynasty Borders in YELLOW Step 5: Color the Zhou Dynasty Borders in RED Step 6: Color the waters, rivers, etc. in BLUE.
SPOTLIGHT: MANDATE OF HEAVEN Pick up a Mandate of Heaven Reading and Question sheet Read the background information by yourself. With a Partner begin reading the Historical Document. Underline any word you do NOT know. Underline any phrase you do NOT understand. Highlight any information that specifically relates to the Mandate of Heaven. Pre-read the questions for analysis.
CORNELL NOTES– HOMEWORK! Pick up a cornell notes handout from Mrs. Innes. Read Pages and take notes. Turn your notes in on Wednesday for check and a grade!