Directions for VoIP IRT Research Henning Schulzrinne Department of Computer Science Columbia University September 16, 2004
General directions in SIP-related technology Completed core functionality for VoIP
Missing protocol pieces Conference management and control XCON working group Configuration management based on XCAP but no real data definitions yet Performance management detect automatically when things aren’t working right
Missing software pieces: collaboration Integrate off-line coordination with on-line collaboration calendaring and scheduling (with Palm sync) “CRM” functionality: tabulate all contacts with a certain group or person conferences mailing lists & IM lists simplified conference file sharing richer conference functionality: outbound calls call statistics SIPquest/CINEMA software has some of this, but needs renewed attention and re-factoring
Software issues: Standards- compliance RFC 3261/… compliance Conference control Presence components XCAP for subscribers, watchers, policy, … robust PUBLISH
Missing software features: configuration Update of web password automatically changes phone passwords plethora of authentication options confuses users Automated management of IP phones from multiple vendors generate config files or web updates transient need until XCAP configuration
On-going IRT SIP-related research projects mobility for VoIP SIP server performance and robustness Peer-to-peer SIP (hybrid systems) SIP conferencing data conferencing (shared applications) Rich presence & location-based services SIP for training FAA prototype for air traffic controller radio training Spam control for SIP SIP session and service mobility SIP for 911 services