Univera Abundance Week 2 “The Money is in the FOLLOW UP”
Last Week We covered the 4 Stages of Business Development –Formulation, Concentration, Momentum and Stability We introduced the 10 before 10 principle We asked everyone to take on writing out their 10 priorities before they go to bed
Review of Last Training How to Follow Up like a Master If you were not there or did not watch it, schedule the time right now to go and watch the replay here: follow-up-mastery/ follow-up-mastery/ Actions will ALWAYS speak louder than words. Every time you pick up the business card of a contact - that contact has an intrinsic value to you based on the per 100 contacts ratio. Each new customer, client or distributor has a "lifetime value" score
Once you figure that out - you can be crystal clear on what the value of each and every single contact you make is (This can range depending on the "lifetime value" score) There are 6 distinct actions that you should be taking to follow up with Each and Every person you meet Having a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool for keeping track is vital - OR at least have a spreadsheet! We recommend Highrise HQ because you can use if for free until you have 250 contacts. For more information on the program Click Here. If you look right below the "paid" plans, in small writing, it shows the link for signing up for the free plans. Click Here
When you do EACH and EVERY action with each contact you will be guaranteed a minimum number of results. That minimum number of results goes up depending on your personal skills. As they increase. The number of sales also increases. Action #2 is Send a Card. I use Send Out Cards which you are welcome to try for free. Just go to I pay $31 per month and have enough points to send a least 1 card a day that way. It costs me.62 cents plus postage. Do whatever works for you - but make sure they get something hard copy in the mail - it makes all the difference.
For a previous recording of the entire PREP Call for the "10 Weeks to Follow Up Mastery" Game you can CLICK HERE. You will also find a copy of the slides used in last night's presentation there. CLICK HERE Please respond by if you intend to play the game so we can add your information to the cue You can join the linked in group here: 10 Weeks to Follow Up Mastery LinkedIn Group 10 Weeks to Follow Up Mastery LinkedIn Group Sharing – What did you get from that ….
10 – 10 Principle Breakthroughs and Breakdowns Tweaking it to suit your purpose The Power of Must Meets
My Must Meets
The Four Principles of Natural Selling 1.Helping other people solve their problems 2.Listening to what is being meant, not just what is being said 3.Asking the Right TYPES of Questions at the Right Time 4.Feeding back what you THINK you Heard them want Michael Oliver – Tip of the Week
You communicate using dialogue and “Heart to Heart” Communication. Dialogue is used within the 5 Stages of Conversation Framework 1.Stage I – Connecting 2.Stage II – Discovering and Listening 3.Stage III – Transitioning 4.Stage IV – Presenting 5.Stage V – Committing and Supporting Each week we will review one of his concepts and brainstorm actions
Facebook Tip of the Week The pictures and content on someone’s social media tells you why they are there The pictures and content on YOUR page tells others why YOU are there Everyone has a recognizable agenda Take a look at your facebook profile and see what kind of message you are sending