IT developments Since last GA CRM in new CMS (J3.x) Menus + navigation improved (+SF) New Online LoI Subscribe to HPH news Front page: Most read news/events feed
CRM PODIO – Free CRM solution for HPH - as approved Intl NGO cause! – Lean administration of H/HS Members, Networks, TF and WG, Partners, contacts, leads, news subscribers etc. – Progress: Present stage: data transfer Networks – all 28 OK H/HS 171 of? Contacts and leads management Via online LoI + contacts + subscribers Leaner admin capabilities: Invoicing, Membership dues, Reminders, Payment information and history Linked to journal, CHPS, websites member listing etc. Excel and CSV import and export, webforms, mailto app, API, Better FU and member care: Bulk (and tailored) MMO - physical and Key history and last contact etc.
Also… Linkedin HPH Global - still the top social media for HPH High uptake and steady growth from launch in 2011 Growth of 151 members since Barcelona 967 group members per Nov 2014 816 group members in Apr 2014 Much activity in threads and discussions (2 – 13 discussions per month + comments) Ca. 25% are entry-level and ca. 25% are senior-level professionals
Still pending IT issues Still pending issues CRM data entry completion (exp. Jan 2015) Problems from migration… Clean up (library etc.) Member views (API from PODIO to website) Items from Action Plan: E-learning? Virtual study tours? N/R and TF subsites – push use again! Further toolbox updates?...