Welcome Students & Parents! American Literature Mr Hiett ’ s Class
Mr. Hiett I attended Diamond Bar High School, and then the University of San Diego where I earned a bachelors degree in English and minors in Philosophy and Theology. I earned a Teaching Credential and a Masters Degree in English from Cal State Fullerton. I advise the sophomore class. My wife Ms. Stella, a Rowland graduate, teaches here also. We have a 3 year old son named Dylan and a 6 month old named Kyle.
English 10H & 11 American Literature 1 st Semester We will be covering the relationship between religion and state American Frontier American Romanticism Slavery American Hero what makes an “ American ” Aspects of American literature: race, gender, class, individualism, war, and multiculturalism
English 10H & 11 American Literature 2 nd Semester We will address Modernism and Post-Modernism. We will analyze the search for identity and meaning in the 20 th -21 st Centuries Analyze the effects of modern technologies Students will write a research paper and learn about MLA to prepare for college-level writing
Raider Goals and CA State Standards The Raider Goals are for all students to become Thinkers, Contributors and Communicators. Activities and assignments in this class will address these goals. The 3 R’s of Rowland High School – Relationships, Rigor, and Relevance will also be emphasized. All activities and assignments in this class will align to the new Common Core Standards – which basically means that there will be more nonfiction to integrate.
Class Rule Do not do anything that that disrupts an effective learning environment. Detailed descriptions of all criteria that pertain to this rule are available on the syllabus.
Consequences If a student were to break school rules: 1.1st Offense- Warning 2.Subsequent Offenses- Removal from class, talk with teacher, reflective writing, loss of participation points, referrals, parent contact
Assessment Pop quizzes Group project (Timed) Essays Practice writings Homework Grammar exercises Vocabulary work Class participation Oral analysis
Grades Class participation! = 15% Quizzes and Tests = 30% Essays = 30% Homework, Grammar, Project and Miscellaneous = 25%
Honors English 10H Yes this is a challenging, intellectual class. Students need to take notes while they read, study unknown vocabulary (which they will apply in their speaking and writing), form study groups outside of class, engage class discussions, and be diligent all year long. Students need to take the class by choice, embrace the challenges and intellect, and have a general love and interest for literature.
Miscellaneous Extra credit: There may be some extra credit opportunities that I will announce to the students in time. Major Writing Assignments: All final copies that are not typed will receive a 10% deduction from final score. Papers must be typed, follow MLA format, and be turned into turnitin.com Turnitin.com: A website that scans papers for plagiarism Absence and Make-up work: It is the student ’ s responsibility to get assignments, notes, etc. from their “ class buddies. ” Quizzes and tests must be made up during lunch, usually on Thursdays. Late assignments will not be accepted!
Contact Information & Assistance I will respond to s in a timely manner in the order that I receive them. (626) Ext I can be available At ___ period, lunch and 7 th period to help students, but they must ask in advance
Assistance Continued Please encourage your child to take advantage of shmoop, other online learning tools/websites that provide textual assistance, study groups, our afterschool tutoring and study session conducted in the library, and to see me for assistance. Peruse my website and printout the syllabus and other handouts at underneath academics – departments – English, then click on my name