English 11A – Week 4 Opening – Correct the punctuation in the sentence that follows: The curtains in Ms. Bradshaws room help to block the sun so that the students computers are clear to read.
Take sticky notes – 2 different colors (about 3 each) On one color, write down action, events, character qualities/relationships that are WITHIN the control of Oedipus. On your other color, write down actions, events, character qualities/relationships that are NOT WITHIN the control of Oedipus.
Circle of Control Take paper and markers Inner circle – things Oedipus can control, choices he makes. o Go around in your circle, have each person share one idea of what is within the control of Oedipus – discuss each – be sure table agrees. Outer circle – things Oedipus cannot control – what happens to him, is done to him. o Go around in your circle, have each person share one idea of what is outside the control of Oedipus – discuss each – be Go back and see if you can find lines, page numbers, specific events that support the items you put on your paper. Learning Target: I understand the aspects of Oedipus that make him a tragic hero and those that make him subject to fate.
Quizzes Look over Prologue and Quiz 1 – o Discuss, ask questions, review Be sure any you missed – you ask about. Quiz tomorrow – over part 2 o Review questions at end of book o A number of you skipped questions on study guide but did not ask. Do not repeat that mistake. o Review study guide.
Grammar - Apostrophes Shows ownership – should be able to say o The __________ of ____________ - then you need an apostrophe o Jacksons attendance has been perfect so far this year. The attendance of Jackson – so put apostrophe after n before s. o The students section at the football game was packed. The section of the students – so put apostrophe after students. His, hers, theirs, my – already mean possessive – do not need apostrophe o Careful with it’s and its Assignment – do for tomorrow. Page 22.
Tuesday Opening – Fire Drill – no opening Quiz 2 Finish apostrophes, p. 23, 24, 25 Journal 5
Quiz and Computers Quiz o Short Quiz – on purpose – read carefully o Turn in quiz on Smart cart Learning Target: I will demonstrate an understanding of elements and characters within the play.
Grammar and Journal 6 Homework – complete page 24, 25 – do after the quiz When all are finished, I will pull out circles of Power sheets to look at. Is Oedipus’ misfortune his own fault or due to forces outside his control? Think about if there is one cause of his misfortune/downfall? Explain your reasoning. Use your book – or go look at charts. We will follow up tomorrow.
Turnitin.com CREATE AN ACCOUNT Go to Turnitin.com Click on Create an account. Scroll down to student When you click on that, it will take you to a screen where you must enter some information o Class ID – o Enrollment Password – Charley316 o Your Name o Your – please use school . CAUTION – YOU ONLY ENTER THIS ONCE – CHECK YOUR SPELLING o Create a password you will be able to remember. o You are now in. OR ENROLL IN MY CLASS Log in to Turnitin Click on Enroll in a class – at the top When prompted o Enter Class ID o Enrollment Password Charley316 You are now in. Keep track of your password.
Wednesday Create account Finish and revisit Journal 6 Correct p. 24, 25. Do page 26 Intro Causal analysis Revisit as starting point Begin to plan and write essay Review for test Pull out materials for Unit 1 test Mastery review Part 1, 2
Thursday Oedipus Test Work on paper Hyphens/Dashes, Parentheses/Brackets Mastery Review – begin o Pull pages you may use on test o Do part 3, 4, 5A.
Friday Mastery Review – Part Finish Continue work on paper Begin typing Unit 1 Test – next week Tuesday