Mrs. Schawann McGee AP World History Aka: WHAP
Who is Mrs. McGee ? I am an Air Force wife I am a Georgia Peach I have lived in 5 states and 2 countries. I am a traveler, I have visited 29 states and 33 countries!
AP World History Introduction “World History” covers a lot of ground, both in terms of land and time. How can one learn all the history of humankind in one school year? That would be an impossible task. However, it is possible to learn the broad “story” of humanity by using some tools that help to connect the parts of the story from beginning to end(or present). Once you know the plot, you are in a good position to learn the sub-plots that in turn help make sense of all the facts that support the overall story.
Course Outline
School Year Chronology Syllabus Overview Period Title Date Range School Year Chronology 1 Technological and Environmental Transformations 2.5 million B.C.E – 600 B.C.E. ~ 2 weeks 2 Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies 600 B.C.E. – 600 C.E. ~ 3 weeks 3 Regional and Trans-regional Interactions 600 C.E. - 1450 ~ 7 weeks 4 Global Interactions 1450 - 1750 5 Industrialization and Global Integration 1750 - 1900 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments 1900 - Present
Think About the Big Picture Just when did world history begin? With the first civilization? With the first written record? With the first human beings? Or maybe with the creation of the earth… or even the universe! Really “big history” dwarfs the importance of our own era if we put it within the context of the history of the universe. Even though it is rather arbitrarily agreed that history begins with written records, that limited time line still means that the “story” of history is very big. It is important to identify “marker events” that make a difference in the course of history, (World War II) and to distinguish them from the multitude of details that can make us feel that history is just a bunch of unrelated facts.
TOOLS FOR LEARNING HISTORY Think About the Big Picture Think About Themes Think About Chunks(Periodization) Think Comparatively Think About Change Over Time Think Like An Historian
Think About Themes An important tool in organizing and understanding history is thinking about themes, or unifying threads, that may be separated, even though they often intertwine. The themes also provide ways to make comparisons over time. The interaction of themes and periodization encourage cross‑period questions.
Five Themes of AP World History Interaction between humans and the environment Development and interaction of cultures State-building, expansion, and conflict Creation, expansion and interaction of economic system Development and transformation of social structures
Theme 1: Interaction Between Humans and the Environment Demography and Disease Migration Pattern of Settlement Technology
Theme 2: Development and Interaction of Cultures Religions Belief systems, Philosophies, and Ideologies Science and Technology The Arts and Architecture
Theme 3: State-building, Expansion, and Conflict Political structures and forms of governance Empires Nations and Nationalism Revolts and Revolutions Regional, trans-regional, and Global structures and Organizations
Theme 4: Creation, Expansion and Interaction of Economic System Agricultural and Pastoral Production Trade and Commerce Labor Systems Industrialization Capitalism and Socialism
Theme 5: Development and Transformation of Social Structures Gender Roles and Relations Family and Kinship Racial and Ethnic Constructions Social and Economic Classes
TONIGHT’s HW - THEMES Choose one of the five themes. Look for an article online or in the newspaper that fits one or more themes. Print or cut out the article. Read the article and write a one paragraph summary. Explain how the theme(s) you chose relates to your article. (~5-7 sentences) Articles must be of important information. (No sports, weather, obituaries etc.) You also need to organize your Binder!!! 3-Ring 1-2” Binder specifically for this class 7 dividers (content outlines(CO), notes, reading activities(RA), essays, quizzes, test, other) Also, remember your supplies; notecards, extra paper, and writing utensils
Think Like An Historian We will never know all the events that have occurred in the past because knowledge of most of them has not passed on to later generations. No one thought to tell their children about these occurrences, and so remembrance of them ceased when individuals died. However, some people, places and events are remembered, sometimes through stories told around the fire at night, occasionally by paintings on walls, or often through written records. Historians look at all kinds of evidence in order to reconstruct the past, including physical evidence left behind. In order to find out what happened , an historian (or history student) needs many skills, including the ability to analyze perspective, or point of view. To an historian, history is not a collection of static facts, but is an exciting, dynamic puzzle that must be interpreted and analyzed.
Historical Thinking Skills 1. Crafting Historical Arguments from Historical Evidence Historical Argumentation Historical thinking involves the ability to define and frame a question about the past and to address that question through the construction of an argument. A plausible and persuasive argument requires a clear, comprehensive and analytical thesis, supported by relevant historical evidence — not simply evidence that supports a preferred or preconceived position. Additionally, argumentation involves the capacity to describe, analyze, and evaluate the arguments of others in light of available evidence.
2. Chronological Reasoning Historical Causation Historical thinking involves the ability to identify, analyze, and evaluate the relationships between multiple historical causes and effects, distinguishing between those that are long-term and proximate, and among coincidence, causation, and correlation.
3. Comparison and Contextualization Historical thinking involves the ability to describe, compare, and evaluate multiple historical developments within one society, one or more developments across or between different societies, and in various chronological and geographical contexts. It also involves the ability to identify, compare, and evaluate multiple perspectives on a given historical experience. Contextualization Historical thinking involves the ability to connect historical developments to specific circumstances of time and place, and to broader regional, national, or global processes.
4. Historical Interpretation and Synthesis Historical thinking involves the ability to describe, analyze, evaluate, and create diverse interpretations of the past — as revealed through primary and secondary historical sources — through analysis of evidence, reasoning, contexts, points of view, and frames of reference. Synthesis Historical thinking involves the ability to arrive at meaningful and persuasive understandings of the past by applying all of the other historical thinking skills, by drawing appropriately on ideas from different fields of inquiry or disciplines and by creatively fusing disparate, relevant (and perhaps contradictory) evidence from primary sources and secondary works. Additionally, synthesis may involve applying insights about the past to other historical contexts or circumstances, including the present.
Strayer Textbook $94 Cover me!!!!!! Read me!!!! Study me!!! But don’t abuse me!!! $94
Grading Policy Grading Percentages: Homework/Daily work = 25% Quizzes = 25% Exams and Essays= 35% Semester Exam/Projects = 15% Grading Values: 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 69-59.5 D Below 59.5 F
Academic Procedures Work is late when not submitted on its due date. Major projects will have a specific due date. All work/projects will be accepted up to 1(one) day late (25% deduction after due date) Retest only will happen if tutoring is attended, dates and times individually established
Supply List Labeled 7-Tab 3-ring binder Notebook Paper Writing Utensils Textbook with a cover Your Mind (The mind is the term most commonly used to describe the higher functions of the human brain, particularly those of which humans are subjectively conscious, such as personality, thought, reason, memory, intelligence and emotion.) – (Webster's Dictionary, 2009)
Behavioral Expectations 1. Be Punctual 2. Be Prepared 3. Be Respectful 4. Be Your Best Self = Self-Regulation
Discipline Procedures - 1st violation = verbal warning - 2nd violation = student teacher conference - 3rd violation = Parent contact/conference - 4th violation or Major violation/disruption = direct referral to appropriate AP (You are not an exception to these procedures)
Class Procedures 1. Start bell ringer as soon as you get to class! 2. Teacher begins and ends class, not the bell. 3. Bathroom breaks not allowed . If you have an emergency you need your agenda. 4. No food in class except water!!! 5. Label all assignments properly. 6. Cell phones are not permitted unless there is a teacher directed BYOD activity. * Follow all procedures, policies, and expectations as outlined in the SouthMoore High School student handbook. (Read Handbook/Use Agenda/Calendar)
Safety Procedures Fire Drill: Exit calmly and proceed to front parking lot. Stand in a line near teacher for roll. Promptly return to class. Lock Down Drill: Remain calm and continue working, no talking!!! Lockdown Plus + = lights off, work stops, no talking, and everyone quietly sitting on floor away from doors. Tornado Drill: Exit calmly with helmet in hand to shelter room downstairs – N128 Go to interior wall and quietly wait for teacher to take head count and roll.
Class Environment - Stress-free learning atmosphere - Respect, courtesy, dignity - Homework - personal responsibility - Purpose – World knowledge - Rewards – have fun learning & become an informed citizen
If you understand all of the previous information Due: August 26th! Due: August 26th! Signature on Syllabus Take home for parent/guardian to review Parent will sign extra copy provided for teacher to file Ticket to Ride
Four Corners Activity How many states/countries have you visited? Step 1: Pick a corner of the room that is your answer. Step 2: Discuss in your groups the states you have visited. Share stories. Step 3: Pick one person from your group to share aloud a quick personal travel story.