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Differences between WW II and WW I – 1. More of a ‘total war’ 2. More widespread and covered most of the globe 3. More economic mobilization 4. More civilians killed
British mobilized their resources more completely than any other country ‘Dig for victory’ = increase food production Food rationing The Home Guard Economic planning = government organization and administration of the economy 1. Ministry for fuel and power 2. Ministry for production 3. Increased production of war materials 4. Most people accepted the increased govt. control
The Great Patriotic War = what the Soviets called WW II 2 out of every 5 people killed in the war were Soviet citizens ‘super centralization’ = all military and political affairs were controlled by Stalin The siege of Leningrad days - people forced to eat dogs, cats, and mice Factories in the western part of Russia were dismantled and moved east All emphasis was placed on military production = incredible shortages of food and housing resulted Why did the Soviet Union survive and win the war = 1. Total mobilization - everything for the war effort 2. Stalin and Communist Party used patriotism and Russian nationalism to motivate the people
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WW II marked the first widespread aerial bombing of cities and civilian populations The Blitz = the English term for the German air raids The destruction of the British city of Coventry German air raids failed to break civilian morale or bring victory Starting in 1942 the British started their own bombing campaign against the Germans - directed by the head of air force Arthur Harris = ‘bomber Harris’ Incendiary bombs = fire bombing from the air - most famous example of this war the Allied fire bombing of the German city of Dresden, killed 100,000 people
Allied bombing - 1. Failed to break the morale of the German people 2. Failed to destroy German industrial capacity
1. The Manhattan Project 2. Directed by Robert Oppenheimer 3. Built at a secret lab in the desert at Los Alamos, New Mexico 4. Fear of one million estimated American casualties led to the decision to drop the bombs 5. August 6, 1945 the A-bomb was dropped on Hiroshima/Aug. 9 another dropped on Nagasaki 6. Japan surrenders as a result of the dropping of the A-bombs “FAT MAN” OPPENHEIMER AND GEN. GROVES