Education and heritage Key Stage 3 GCSE AS/A level Learning Outside the Classroom Engaging Places David Nicholls
Subjects Key concepts Key processes Range and content Every Child Matters outcomes: be healthy stay safe enjoy and achieve make a positive contribution achieve economic wellbeing
History Key Concepts Chronological understanding Cultural, ethnic and religious diversity Change and continuity Cause and consequence Significance Interpretation
History Key Processes Historical enquiry Using evidence Communicating about the past
History Range and Content British history political power, Middle Ages to 20 th century relationships of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales movement of peoples to, from and within the British Isles changing lives, beliefs, ideas and attitudes of people in Britain trade, industrialisation and technology, the British Empire
European and world history political, social, cultural, religious, technological and/or economic developments conflict and cooperation, the two world wars and the Holocaust
History in the balance Key Stage 3 Issues Weak sense of chronology Historical interpretation Evaluating sources Using a range of media Didactic teaching Irrelevance!
The History Curriculum in and after th February
GCSE History Pilot CORE : Medieval history c.400-c.1100 or 1100-c.1500 and 2: local history investigation significant and relevant or 3: international history controversial then and now OPTIONS (2) 4: heritage management or heritage marketing 5: multimedia 6: archaeological enquiry 7: presenting the past 8: change over 100 years 9: the migrant experience 10: a society years 11:local history 12:international history
Learning Outside the Classroom Sectors school groundsheritage adventure activitiesbuilt environment farming/countrysideplaces of worship natural environmentcreativity/arts
Out and About Lot 1 teacher CPD and guidance materials Lot 2 safety and quality acreditation Price Waterhouse Coopers -quality badge? -kite mark? -accreditation?
Other LOtC work Communications strategy - focus on places of worship in early 2008 Creative Partnerships website - marketplace for ITT placements from Sep 2008 NCETM - looking for good examples of maths teaching
Engaging Places DCMS-led “Laying the Foundations” - National Advisory Group Regional Advisory Groups - Greater London, South East, Yorkshire
EP current work Website hosted by 24 hour museum Networks of built environment providers Research into providers and schools Input into Learning Outside the Classroom
EP future work case studies to support Key Stage 3 codevelopment network of schools & QCA
Future of EP National centre focus Regional networks Local partnerships Themes for built environment education change landscapes journeys
National Debate David Nicholls “Building a Better Past” Debate - Petition -