Subscription Databases Introducing college-level tools for all your research.
What is a subscription database? A subscription database is an online collection of articles from: Magazines and newspapers Reference books Primary sources: interviews, speeches Government documents Academic research And more
Why are they called Subscription Databases? Individuals, schools, and universities have to pay to access them. Why? Subscription databases provide resources not available on the FREE INTERNET, e.g. Google These days, most, if not all colleges require students to use them for research. Some entire colleges, and many departments and professors do not accept any sources from the “free Internet,” e.g. Google.
SHS Library Subscriptions Student Resource Center World Book Online Opposing Viewpoints SIRS Researcher Ebsco Magazine, Ebsco Newspaper, Ebsco History Career Cruising – great resource to look for colleges! Noodletools – works cited generator
Advantages to using subscription databases Sources are verified. They have been written by professional writers and published in magazines and reference works. (Note: sources may still contain bias.) Some databases provide citations. All provide directions on how to cite. By the time you get to college you will be familiar with using them.
Databases on the main menu
The Library Homepage is now online
Citation Example in Student Resource Center
Some databases provide article summaries and additional search terms. (SIRS example)
Always look in Related Subjects to get additional information
Every Article can be ed
Always look for the Advanced Search button in any database. It gives you much more control over your search. (Student Resource Center)
Notice all the help available behind the TABS. Always use Clean Copy for Printing
For American and World History term papers try: Student Resource Center Opposing Viewpoints SIRS World Book Online History Links on our Library Homepage Get recommendations from your teacher.
Use the databases in school or at home: For home use, pick up a password sheet in the library or from your teacher. Keep it next to your computer at home for access any time. See Mr. Lowenburg for help with your research!