Classifying Rocks
What is a rock? Rocks are naturally occurring solid mixtures of one or more minerals or organic matter.
Rocks A. Classifying Rocks 1. Composition – Minerals they are made from A. Some rocks contain only one mineral B. Most rocks contain more than one mineral i. 20 minerals form most of the rocks that make up the earth’s crust
Texture 2. Texture- look and feel of a rocks surface Grain – particles made of minerals or other rocks A. Grain Size 1. Fine Grain – small grain 2. Coarse Grain – large grains 3. no visible grains B. Grain Shape 1. Rounded Grain 2. Jagged Grain C. Grain Pattern 1. Banded grain 2. Non-banded grain
Types A. Igneous Rocks- cooling of magma or lava B. Sedimentary Rocks – particles of other rock or remains of plants and animals are pressed and cemented together C. Metamorphic Rocks- existing rocks are changed by heat, pressure or chemical reactions
Igneous Rocks
Igneous Rocks A. types by Texture- size of grains or crystals 1. Extrusive Rock- magma or lava that cools and hardens at or near the earth’s surface a. rock cools very quickly b. crystals are small, if any at all c. Examples: basalt, obsidian, pumice, rhyolite
Igneous Rocks 2. Intrusive Rock- magma that cools and hardens within the earth a. rock cools very slow b. crystals are very large c. examples: granite, gabbro, diorite
Igneous Rocks Types by composition- amount of silica 1. high silica content – light colored a. Examples: Granite, rhyolite 2. low silica content – dark colored a. Examples: gabbro, basalt
Igneous rocks Uses of Igneous Rocks 1. Granite- statutes, headstones, bridges, buildings, floors, kitchen counters 2. Pumice, abrasives for cleaning and polishing 3. Obsidian- ancient tools
Igneous Video
Sedimentary Rocks
Sedimentary Rocks A. Process to form a sedimentary rock 1. weathering and erosion weathering- wind and water breaking rocks into smaller pieces Erosion- wind and water carrying away particles
Sedimentary Rocks 2. Deposition- sediments settling out of the wind or water
Sedimentary Rocks 3. Compaction- process of pressing the sediments together
Sedimentary Rocks 4. Cementation- dissolved minerals crystalize and glue particles of sediment together
Types of Sedimentary Rocks 1. Clastic Rocks-rocks made from pieces of other rock a. shale – made of clay b. sandstone – made from sand c. conglomerate – mixture of different sized rounded particles d. breccia- mixture of different sized jagged particles
Types of sedimentary rocks 2. Organic Rocks – made from the remains of plants and animals a. coal – made from plants b. limestone – made from coral, clams and oyster shells
Types of Sedimentary rocks 3. Chemical rocks – rocks made when minerals in a solution crystalize a. limestone – made from calcite dissolved in lakes, seas or underground water b. rock salt – made from evaporated oceans and seas
USES of sedimentary rocks Sandstone – buildings Limestone – buildings Flint - Arrowheads
Process in which material is laid down Process of Deposition Process in which material is laid down
Weathering, Erosion and Deposition All geological processes that make and destroy rock
Strata Strata = Layers Stratification- process in which sedimentary rocks are arranged in layers
Sedimentary rocks are the only rocks with fossils Organic materials… Sedimentary rocks are the only rocks with fossils
Metamorphic Rocks
Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphic Rocks- existing rocks are changed by heat and pressure Meta- change Morphism - forms
Types of Metamorphic rocks Foliated Rocks- when minerals flatten out and line up in bands or parallel layers due to pressure a. gneiss forms from granite b. slate forms from shale
Types of Metamorphic Rocks 2. Nonfoliated Rocks- rocks that do not show bands Not enough pressure on the rock to form bands a. marble forms from limestone b. quartzite forms from sandstone
USES of metamorphic rocks 1. Marble: buildings, statues, countertop 2. Slate: flooring, roofing, chalkboards, pool tables
Metamorphic video